Title: Thirteen Seconds Pairing: G-Ri Rating: PG-13 Summary: Seungri can't sleep. Seungri thinks too damn much. AN: For susifg A very very short long-ish and simple complicated drabble.
Title: Fifteen Again Pairing: GRi Rating: PG-13 Summary: They're sharing a room again. AN: For parkchoongjae and haelin who requested a fic based on this. translation of this magazine's article.
Title: This Time Pairing: G-Ri Writer: oxygenlove Genre: Drabble Rating: PG Summary: Sleeping arrangement changes are not really favorable for Lee Seunghyun. AN2: Written for susifg who said that there are many crying!ji fics around and I agree. I write a lot of them. I hope this crying!ri fic makes up for all the times I made Ji cry.
Title: Kryptonite Pairing: G-Ri Writer: oxygenlove Genre: Drabble Rating: PG Summary: Kwon Jiyong might need a lifeboat. Or an oxygen tank. He's 100 meters below the water's surface. AN: During the "G-Dragon's eyes are not shining" days before his trip to Europe.
Title: Thirteen Minutes Pairing: G-Ri Writer: oxygenlove Genre: Drabble Rating: G Summary: G-dragon is tired. Hyung is... more tired. AN: One, it's not in second person. Two, it's G. Three, it's not angst.
Title: Missing 2% Pairing: G-Ri Genre: Drabble Rating: PG Summary: Love is being high up in the air, watching you be happy with her. AN: Inspired by their 2% CF: A-type