A very happy birthday to pastahero! Hope your day is filled with good things, e.g. cute girls buying expensive jeans, addictive MTV shows, a suprise author sighting and an exciting new chapter in Lindsay Lohan's escapades.
Baseball is giving me an ulcer. The Cubs are hanging on to the Wild Card lead by a hair; the Giants and the Astros are only half a game back. I can't take much more of this, and yet there's still a month of the regular season to go. Oy.
We saw Open Water last night (I still derive an abnormal amount of pleasure going to a movie on a "school night" for some reason) and it freaked me out. I was whimpering through parts of the movie. I don't even know if the movie itself was that good or if it just tapped into my personal fears, but I was still whimpering as I left the theater. Of
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Today is the Amazing Race, which normally is one of the good little things about my day that makes it easier to get out of bed. But I have to admit that I am a little sad that Charla and Mirna were voted out; I will miss their crazy ways. Everyone else is too sheeplike and too willing to accept whatever the alpha team chooses as the best way.
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It turns out the bear was a bit of a beer sophisticate. He tried a mass-market Busch beer, but switched to Rainier Beer, a local ale, and stuck with it for his drinking binge.