Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Changmin/Yoochun Genre: Romance, Angst Summary: And Yoochun knows, he understands in his heart, that this is all they will ever be. Disclaimer: This is real only if birds can bark. A/N: It's a little too rainy on my side of the hemisphere, and I'm bringing rain on this ship too.
Title: Stolen Rating: PG-13? I suck at ratings, okay. Pairing: Changmin/Yoochun Genre: Romance, Comedy Summary: Yoochun is desperate for some lovin’ and he takes up the challenge for one Shim Changmin. Disclaimer: This is real only if birds can bark. A/N: Second attempt at Yoomin! Longer fics are exhausting to write ;~;
Title: This is enough. Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Changmin/Yoochun Genre: Fluff Summary: Changmin gives Yoochun a surprise. Disclaimer: This is real. And oh, birds can bark. Blah/s: My first Yoomin fic! First DBSK fic, for that matter. ♥