Unbelievable. Re-Tweeted by Trump.
pic.twitter.com/MWurvvUapL- Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews)
October 5, 2019 Where is the LameStream Media on this?
https://t.co/Qaak5dvyKC- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
October 5, 2019 Трамп ссылается на конспиролога Пола Сперри. Сперри одно время возглавлял вашингтонское бюро WorldNetDaily - помоечного конспирологического сайта, материалы которого помогали распространять
тролли с улицы Савушкина.
Citing an online news article titled "The 8 Dirtiest Scandals ofRobert Mueller No One Is Talking About," from on or about August 7, 2017, a member of the Conspiracy directed that the article be messaged in the following way:
Special prosecutor Mueller is a puppet of the establishment. List scandals that took place when Mueller headed the FBI. Direct attention to the listed examples. State the following: It is a fact that the Special Prosecutor who leads the investigation against Trump represents the establishment: a politician with proven connections to the U.S. Democratic Party who says things that should either remove him from his position or disband the entire investigation commission. Summarize with a statement that Mueller is a very dependent and highly politicized figure; therefore, there will be no honest and open results from the investigation. Emphasize that the work of this commission is damaging to the country and is aimed to declare impeachment of Trump. Emphasize that it cannot be allowed, no matter what. (Preliminary translation of Russian text.)
https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1102316/download Последние старания Сперри направлены на то, чтобы доказать, что никакого российского вмешательства в выборы 2016 не было, а российское расследование было заговором ЦРУ, ФБР и тайного теневого правительства Обамы.
"Though the FBI and CIA want the nation to believe Moscow hacked the 2016 election to help Trump win, they may be hiding evidence they themselves meddled in the election to help Clinton win - while ensuring they had checks in place against a renegade Trump presidency - by using FISA warrants to hack into the e-mails of Trump campaign aides and by running a network of spies against them both at home and abroad."
https://nypost.com/2019/07/09/did-a-dirty-intelligence-op-create-the-collusion-probe/ Этой же теорией заговора озабочен
генеральный прокурор Барр, который совершает странные теневые поездки по Европе.
Those not contacted include former FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok; former FBI general counsel Jim Baker; former chief of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section David Laufman; and former head of DOJ’s National Security Division Mary McCord. Former CIA Director John Brennan, Trump-Russia dossier author Christopher Steele, and former Trump adviser Carter Page-who was the subject of a surveillance warrant that is now under investigation by the inspector general-haven’t been contacted for interviews, either.
Combined with reports that Barr has traveled with Durham internationally seeking evidence from the U.S.’s closest intelligence allies, Durham’s apparent lack of interest in the FBI at this point suggests that he and Barr are focusing on examining the intelligence community’s role in the Russia probe-and, in accordance with Trump’s desires, looking at whether the help provided by U.S. allies in the Russia probe, including the U.K., Italy, Australia and Ukraine, may itself have constituted foreign interference.
https://www.politico.com/news/2019/10/05/justice-department-russia-probe-028545 I’ve studied Roh for well over a year and written multiple stories about him. He has threatened to sue me. Over the course of a year of research it has become painfully clear that Roh is operating as a Russian asset.
- Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman)
October 1, 2019 В теории заговора содержится два элемента. Во-первых, как известно, расследование Рашагейта началось с того, что австралийский посол сообщил в органы разведки о случайной встрече в лондонском баре с
Джорджем Попадопулосом, во время которой тот проболтался о взломанной почте, про которую узнал от "профессора"
С подачи мутного
Стефана Ро и самого Паподопулоса, отсидевшего один месяц за вранье ФБР, теория заговора утверждает, что и австралийский дипломат, и сам пропавший без вести Мифсуд были подставой западных спецслужб. Ради этой писанной на воде вилами конспирологии Барр и назначенный им прокурор Дарем ездили в Италию.
The Daily Beast has learned that Barr and Durham were especially interested in what the Italian secret service knew about Joseph Mifsud, the erstwhile professor from Malta who had allegedly promised then candidate Donald Trump’s campaign aide George Papadopoulos he could deliver Russian “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. The Italian Justice Ministry public records show that Mifsud had applied for police protection in Italy after disappearing from Link University where he worked and, in doing so, had given a taped deposition to explain just why people might want to harm him.
A source in the Italian Ministry of Justice, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told The Daily Beast that Barr and Durham were played the tape. A second source within the Italian government also confirmed to The Daily Beast that Barr and Durham were shown other evidence the Italians had on Mifsud.
https://www.thedailybeast.com/barr-went-to-rome-to-hear-a-secret-tape-from-joseph-mifsud-the-professor-who-helped-ignite-the-russia-probe В трампоганду сливалось через проверенного сливного бачка
Джона Соломона и Шона Хэннити, который неизменно приглашает того в телевизор.
Через того же Соломона сливалась и вторая часть теория заговора, которая включает Украину. На этот раз подставленным коварными врагами оказывается не осужденный Пападопулос, а осужденный Манафорт. А несправедливо оклеветанными Мюллером и американской разведкой, как и с Мифсудом - российские спецслужбы. Теория утверждает, что как сведения о российских хакерских взломах, так "амбарная книга Януковича", из-за которой Манафорт ушел в оставку, были тайными вбросами коварных врагов.
Трудно толком расшифровать слова Трампа в разговоре с Зеленским, тем более, что в записи есть пропуски, замененные многоточиями.
"I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike ... I guess you have one of your wealthy people ... The server, they say Ukraine has it."
Предполагается, что "one of your wealthy people" - это
Виктор Пинчук.
Теорию заговора о связи Пинчука с CrowdStrike (американской компанией, публично разоблачившей российских хакеров) запустил мутный автор по имени Michael Sainato:
"In addition to the Chalupas, the co-founder and CTO of Crowdstrike, the cyber security firm that the DNC hired to investigate the alleged hacks, Dmitri Alperovitch, also serves as a senior fellow to the Washington-based think tank Atlantic Council, which is an openly anti-Russian organization partly . The Atlantic Council is funded by Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, who also happens to be one of the most prolific donors to the Clinton Foundation. "
https://observer.com/2017/01/ukraine-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-election/ До этого Майкл Сайнато прославился тем, что 6 сентября 2016
опубликовал слив, полученный им непосредственно от хакеров ГРУ (Guccifer-2.0).
Here’s the page from the packet that
@ErinBanco shared yesterday (with emails blacked out by me)
https://t.co/XoJioxuaCs pic.twitter.com/McqEmaJVCe- Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand)
October 3, 2019 Свои сочинения про Украину Соломон посылал перед публикацией паре адвокатов (Joe diGenova, Victoria Toensing) и некоему Льву Парнасу (о котором подробней - ниже).
Джо диДженова и Виктория Тоенсинг крутятся в темных республиканских болотах давно. Трамп намеривался нанять их в качестве своих личных адвокатов для защиты от Рашагейта, но в последний момент обнаружился юридический конфликт интересов, и адвокатом стал
Руди Джулиани.
The president met with Mr. diGenova and Ms. Toensing, who are married, in recent days to discuss the possibility that they would join his legal team in the Mueller case. According to two people told of details about the meeting, the president did not believe he had personal chemistry with Mr. diGenova and Ms. Toensing.
But beyond that, Ms. Toensing is representing Mark Corallo, who was the spokesman for Mr. Trump’s legal team in 2017 before they parted ways.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/25/us/politics/trump-digenova-toensing.html Тем не менее пара адвокатов не вылезала из Fox News, где защищала Трампа с особым остервенением. Они также работала в качестве теневых адвокатов.
Even as Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani acts as a kind of emissary to mainstream news outlets from POLITICO to CNN to the New York Times, diGenova and Toensing serve as no-holds-barred messengers to Trump’s base, lambasting special counsel Robert Mueller and his Russia investigation in mostly conservative outlets. The couple sometimes appear together on the same Fox program, or follow one another in back-to-back hours with different hosts.
When told how many times the couple had defended Trump on television over the past two-and-a-half months, Giuliani - not exactly camera-shy himself - burst into laughter.
But the couple’s influence extends beyond the airwaves. Appearing on a Baltimore radio station in early April, diGenova said he and his wife were “playing the role of lawyers on television and in real life” for Trump, whom they informally advise.
"He'll call four or five people like Joe and say, 'What do you think? So and so says this. Who's right?'” Giuliani said in an interview. He added that the conservative attorneys have sent him written legal advice on how to deal with Mueller, and they also consult with another Trump lawyer, Jay Sekulow.
https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/09/trump-lawyers-joseph-digenova-victoria-toensing-634996 Подключившись к украинской спецоперации, диДженова и Тоенсинг нанялись адвокатами к
Дмитрию Фирташу, сменив Лэнни Дэвиса.
Credit where it's due: Lanny Davis is no longer representing Dmitry Firtash, the Ukrainian oligarch described by prosecutors as an “upper-echelon” associate of Russian organized crime. Firtash's new lawyers are husband-and-wife duo, diGenova and Toensing. h/t:
@resistancelines pic.twitter.com/2v77ka3VAV- Seth Hettena (@seth_hettena)
August 11, 2019 Donald Trump is effectively in a Joint Defense Agreement with Firtash.
- emptywheel (@emptywheel)
September 29, 2019 В роли адвокатов Фирташа они вышли на бывшего прокурора Украины Шокина и раздобыли у него показания с обвинениями в адрес Байдена.
It became clear that Toensing and diGenova’s PR efforts had intersected with their work for Firtash last week when an affidavit emerged that was signed by Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor general fired in 2016 at Joe Biden’s urging, and submitted on Firtash’s behalf to an Austrian court.
https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-scandal-ropes-in-the-usual-suspects-digenova-toensing-firtash/ Обдумала ситуацию с речью екс-вице-Президента Байдена, в которой он публично оскорбительно высказался о моей покойной бабушке и моем отце.
- OneWorld (@alina_oneworld)
February 4, 2018 Когда в январе 2018 Байден рассказал про свою роль в увольнение Шокина, то тот оскорбился единственно на то, что принял идиоматическое выражение "son of a bitch" на свой счет. Его недалекая дочь, проживающая в США, пригрозила подать в суд за оскорбление ее покойной бабушки.
"I think the Donbas has potential to be able to be solved, but it takes two things. One of those things is missing now. And that is I’m desperately concerned about the backsliding on the part of Kiev in terms of corruption. They made-I mean, I’ll give you one concrete example. I was-not I, but it just happened to be that was the assignment I got. I got all the good ones. And so I got Ukraine. And I remember going over, convincing our team, our leaders to-convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.
So they said they had-they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to-or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said-I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."
https://www.cfr.org/event/foreign-affairs-issue-launch-former-vice-president-joe-biden Но вскоре в игру вступили другие силы. В раскручивании UkraniumOne не обошлось без
Питера Швейцера, который в 2015-2016 успешно раскрутил UraniumOne.
For those who recall the “Clinton Cash” controversy, the baseless tales claiming that Biden corruptly intervened on behalf of his son’s Ukrainian business interests feel a lot like the movie “Groundhog Day.” In March of 2018, Schweizer and the Government Accountability Institute once again produced a book that was perfectly timed for the Presidential campaign. “Secret Empires” devoted a chapter to the subject of “Bidens in Ukraine,” which laid out the conflicts of interest posed by the wheeling and dealing of Biden’s son Hunter.
https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-invention-of-the-conspiracy-theory-on-biden-and-ukraine К делу подключился Руди Джулиани, и спецоперация начала набирать обороты.
Please watch Rudy Giuliani try and explain why State Dept asked him to go to Ukraine (Spoiler: It was bc of Soros)
pic.twitter.com/Oa2hnZk1Pj- Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence)
September 25, 2019 Ныне вслед за Джулиани диДженова и Тоенсинг, недолго думая, валят все на
Сороса. Помимо украинского Центра противодействия коррупции, борцы с "коррупцией" нападают на
Проект по расследованию коррупции и организованной преступности (OCCRP).
TOENSING: Now, let me bring this full circle, this is my last point here. The whistle-blower sprinkles throughout his documents footnotes referring to a publication with the initials "OCCRP." One guess, Sean, who funds OOCRP? George Soros.
HANNITY: Wow. Alright, Joe, Victoria --
DIGENOVA: Soros' dirty money is all over this story from day one.
TOENSING: And all over Ukraine and he still has embedded people at the State Department.
HANNITY: We have a lot of -- lot of ground to cover in the days to come. Thank you both.
https://www.mediamatters.org/victoria-toensing/hannity-guests-claim-ukraine-whistleblower-connected-george-soros-and-his-dirty Джулиани утверждает, что работает на Трампа забесплатно. Неизвестно, сколько он берет денег с других своих клиентов, Игоря Фрумана и Льва Парнаса. Проживающие во Флориде мутные авантюристы Фруман и Парнас обратили на себя внимание людей, приближенных к Трампу, небольшими пожертвованиями в полмиллиона из денег неизвестного происхождения. Формально они объясняют свой интерес к Украине коммерческим желанием участвовать в поставках газа. Расследование OCCRP раскрыло, что именно Фруман и Парнас свели Джулиани с Шокиным.
Fruman kicked off the effort on Feb. 20, giving $2,700 each to two pro-Trump groups, Trump Victory and Donald J. Trump for President.
Less than two weeks later, Fruman and Parnas attended a fundraiser for Trump’s re-election at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida.
This was followed by a several-month-long spree of donations - of a total value of at least $576,500 - to campaigns including the successful 2018 Senate bid of former Florida governor Rick Scott, and the re-elections of Texas Representative Pete Sessions and South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson. All are Republicans.
The lion’s share of these donations, however, was just one $325,000 payment, made on May 17, 2018, to America First Action. The group is one of the largest pro-Trump Super Political Action Committees (commonly known as Super PACs), a kind of outside campaign organization that is allowed to raise unlimited funds in support of a candidate, but is barred from working directly with their campaign. <...>
Amid their donation spree, Parnas and Fruman took part in an impressive series of meetings with senior Republicans.
On or about May 1, 2018, while staying at the Trump International Hotel in the U.S. capital, both men had dinner with the president in a meeting documented by Parnas in a now-deleted Facebook post.
Later that month, the two men had a “power breakfast” in Beverly Hills with Donald Trump Jr. and Tommy Hicks Jr., who has since become co-chair of the Republican National Committee, according to a now-deleted Facebook post by Parnas. At the time, Hicks was head of America First Action, which had received the men’s $325,000 donation in the same month. <...>
In late 2018, Parnas and Fruman organized a Skype call between Giuliani and Viktor Shokin, who served as Ukraine’s prosecutor general until he was dismissed by parliament in 2016 amid allegations he was blocking anti-corruption efforts.
https://www.occrp.org/en/investigations/meet-the-florida-duo-helping-giuliani-dig-dirt-for-trump-in-ukraine Чтобы организовать встречу Джулиани с Зеленским, Фруман и Парнас ездили в Израиль на встречу с Коломойским, но тот решил, что они - жулики и отказал им в помощи. Нетерпеливому Джулиани пришлось выйти из тени и задействовать Госдеп. Это роковое решение может закончиться в итоге полноценным импичментом.
Пока что всю камарилью вызвали для показаний в Конгресс.
The subpoena, which was issued by the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence after consultation with the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Oversight and Reform, requires Giuliani to produce several categories of documents by October 15, 2019.
The Chairmen also sent separate letters today seeking documents and noticing depositions with three of Giuliani’s business associates on the following dates:
October 10, 2019: Lev Parnas
October 11, 2019: Igor Fruman
October 14, 2019: Semyon “Sam” Kislin