A short story for those of you who have yet to realize how insane LJ is.
Unless I slipped somewhere, every one of these links is legitimate...I even left out the ones that had been deleted or suspended (meaning that they had existed at some point.) Enjoy:
Onesunny morning, Little (
redridinghood was going to (deleted) visit
her grandmother at her cabin in the deep dark woods ("
forest" (
being slated
for deletion).
She was skipping merrily along,
her picnicbasket full of pastries and sweets in herhand, when
the big bad wolf (deleted!)
emerged from behind a (
tree "
hello littlegirl,"
he said. "
what do you have in the picnicbasket?"
redridinghood looked nervously at him. "
Sweets and pastries for my grandmother,"
she replied. "
I must go,
I am late She walked quickly past him.
The bigbadwolf watched her go,
then immediately ran down a
shortcut to
the cottage he snuck in the cottage and ate redridinghood's
grandmother all up (
As he finished,
he heard redridinghood at the door.
Thinking quickly,
he put on the grandmother's
bonnet and nightgown and slid in her bed.
redridinghood came in the bedroom "
my dear."
the bigbadwolf said.
what big eyes you have,
redridinghood said.
All the better to
see you with."
And what a
big nose you have."
All the better to
smell you with,
my dear."
And what big teeth you have!"
All the better to...
eat you with,
the bigbadwolf said and jumped out of bed.
redridinghood screamed and ran out the door,
the wolf
hot on her heels.
The bigbadwolf almost caught her,
but a
nearby woodsman,
summoned by the screams,
ran out of the woods and whacked the bigbadwolf with his
killing it.
Enjoy...it took me an hour to do this (how did I ever live without broadband?)