PROCEEDINGS against Capt Edward Rigby... 1698, for intending to Commit the Abominable SIN of SODOMY
"Rigby ſeemed much pleaſed upon Mintons coming, and drank to him in a glaſs of Wine and kiſt him, took him by the Hand, put his Tongue into Mintons mouth, and thruſt Mintons hand into his (Rigby)
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This journal is nearly all public. Since I read the friends list on jadine rather than the one here, I don't add most people to this list- it doesn't mean that I don't like you, or that I don't read your journal, or anything else.
Tagged on books and movies by pnwmom, who was tagged by siouxiequeue Tagged on songs by wyndhoverI'm hereby instituting Calvinball rules- which means the rules are invented by the players, on the fly, and constantly change. So you basically get to reinvent the meme whenever you get tagged: rewrite the questions, change rules on tagging, anything you like. Or you can follow
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So far, the highlight of my work today has been disemboweling a fax machine, finding white-out on the scanning glass, and scraping it off with my fingernails
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EDIT: Okay, apparently some comment is necessary. I'm quite confident this is a parody site. And that odd-looking front page image? I think it's from a prior Netflix ad, only of course they were holding a remote, not a dildo.