Title: The Lost Letters of Legolas
Under title: Dear Faramir,
Chapter/part: 14/30, each one will be a letter done for
10_lettersRating: PG-13
Fandom: LOTR
Character: Legolas and to who ever he written to
Prompt: # 14 Medicine, 30 a general
Table: for the late 10 letters;
http://sagaluthien.livejournal.com/249869.htmlBeta: Tena and Huntress
Author's Notes: Set after film/books
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6,
Chapter 7,
Chapter 8,
Chapter 9,
Chapter 10,
Chapter 11,
Chapter 12,
Chapter 13 Dear Faramir,
I thought I would just write you a short note together with the packet of elvish medicine.
The leaves that are in the blue cloth and largest are the Athelas, you asked me to send. You know how it works.
With the ones in the green, you can take one leaf in a jug of water, keep it as cold as possible and let the ones with pain of age drink a half mug every morning and evening. I promise they will feel better.
Last a word of warning for the yew leaves that you find in the red cloth. I know you asked me to send some of it, but I want you to know I do not feel good about it. You know that children are precious for us, so why stop Eowyn from conceiving? Anyway please be careful to not give her to much of it as that can make it so she would never be able to have any children.
When I come and visit. I will talk to both of you.
May the light be with you,