P.S. And come check out my new layout! Can you please let me know whether or not it's terribly too narrow to read fic properly? test here. (Let me influence you by saying that I have no idea how to change the width. The CSS code of this one is even more foreign to me than they usually are.)
subject line from the getithere post: Justin visist Brian, he has a boyfriend they dinner, no boyfriend they fuck I had to read this, like, four times until it made remote sense. And you know, I have read that fic even! :D
+ This can't be right! How did this even happen? I'm a friggin child, I swear! As of thirty minutes ago, I am officially 24 years old. Twenty-fucking-four and I don't even have the basics of life figured out. Oh god. *buries self in cheesecake
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Okay, what is this? Is Archive Of Our Own seriously going to put me on some waiting list where I have to sit and wait for them to maaaybe graciously supply me with an invite code some day? At least that's what it says on the sign-up page. Did you guys have to wait? I'm not amused
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mira986 wanted a continuation of [ Not Your Birthday ] and here it is. I think? Only... 25 more pages of studying to go tonight, woooohooo! Edit: OMG, I'M OUT OF RED BULL! HALP!
Another night of brain-frying studying, another night of drunken-call-mini-fic. Is anyone actually reading these? [ first one is here ] Cause I could totally start a series. P.S. Microwave brownies ftw!