the atmosphere is dense yoochun ♥ junsu | yoochun ♥ fc angst | ~1,000 words
a/n: a mindless yoosu-angst piece i wrote in a daze. thought i'd share it with you guys. wanna know how mindless this is? well, i couldn't even make up a title for it. :x
red-tainted romance yunho ♥ changmin AU | smut | R | ~1, 770 words
a/n: homin!pron written for fiat_amorfati and suah /coughebilebilwomencough. this is loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong overdue. first time writing homin of any nature, so umm, yeah, i hope this isn’t so much of a fail. err. be warned. and don’t take this too seriously. Hoho.