started my new job today... it was kind of surreal, all told, being in the same building but not going to the place I'm used to going and feeling totally like a fish out of water, not knowing anything about anything and basically starting over from square one. it's weird being a n00b, coming from a place where I was the resident expert on something
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ugh, I think I'm actually going to have to BUILD a new computer. apparently the words "Intel" and "Crossfire" in the same system make configurators go "wuh?" and/or "ok have some crappy no-name junk and no cooling" >:[
sometimes I have these moments, even days or weeks, of musical anxiety... I suddenly realize that I'll never live long enough to discover every beautiful song and I spend every waking moment listening to and amassing more and more music in a desperate attempt to extend my musical lifespan. eventually I'll accept that I will always be musically
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the bad thing about living in Texas is that there is no great freeze to kill the bugs, so you wake up one morning and find that ants have taken over your house in the middle of January, and then you lose about half your mind trying to get one out of your ear canal.