Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chapter 30/30 Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through? A/N: For lmaii
Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chapter 29/30 (Hope to end this with 30 Chapters) Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chapter 28/30 (Hope to end this with 30 Chapters) Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chapter 27/30 (Hope to end this with 30 Chapters) Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chaptered Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chaptered Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chaptered Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chaptered Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chaptered Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chaptered Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?