Title: One Step Behind Fandom: Smallville Pairing: Lex/Clark Rating: Mature Disclaimer: I don’t own DC A huge thank you to the girl that read over my story and made it legible. Thank you so much twinsarein for all your wonderful work. It means the world to me!Summary: It is centered on the six months just before Superman's death and just after Superman
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Title: One Step Behind Fandom: Smallville Pairing: Lex/Clark Rating: Mature Disclaimer: I don’t own DC A huge thank you to the girl that read over my story and made it legible. Thank you so much twinsarein for all your wonderful work. It means the world to me!Summary: It is centered on the six months just before Superman's death and just after Superman
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Title: Dead Man's Sunset Pairing: Spangel Rating: M Summary: Spike lives with Giles and they are best friends. Giles notices that Spike is still in love with Angel and with the help of another ex-watcher they help the two vampires find love.
Title: Dead Man's Sunset Pairing: Spangel Rating: M Summary: Spike lives with Giles and they are best friends. Giles notices that Spike is still in love with Angel and with the help of another ex-watcher they help the two vampires find love.
Title: Never Goodbye Pairing: Spike/Dawn Setting: Six years after the last episode Rating: Pg-13 Summary: Dawn has just found out that Spike is still alive and realizes that she’s been emotionally stuck in the past for all these years.
Title: The Pure White Snow Disclaimer: I don’t own anything Pairing: Slightly Tamaki/Haruhi, but mostly Gen. Summary: Tamaki’s thoughts at his mother’s funeral.
Title: Just a Single Snap Fandom: Full Moon wo Sagashite Pairing: Takuto/Mitsuki Disclaimer: I don’t own anything!! Rating: T Summary: Takuto watches Mitsuki deal with her pain and wants to do whatever he can to help her.