SG-1 Gen Fic Day roundup

May 19, 2009 17:36

Many thanks to all the participants of SG-1 Gen Fic Day! Here's the round-up of all the gen goodness:

New fics

We were all treated to a spicy rendering of Janet Alphabet Soup! Twenty-six different fics, ranging from pre-series all the way through Heroes. Humor, angst, team, Hammond, friendship, character study.

cleothemuse wrote Tools of Trade - team squabbling with Teal'c pwnage! Rated for innuendo.

nightspear_1287 posted two new chapters of her S4 AU Archeology, covering Divide and Conquer.

aelfgyfu_mead wrote Zephyr, a lovely post-Unending conversation between Thor and Loki. Asgard fix-it for the win!

lokei wrote R is for Recovery, a bonus Janet fic. (scroll down)

lilyleia wrote The value of truths unspoken. Jack and Daniel, post-One False Step. G.

lilyleia wrote Grounded, a team puppy pile fic! G.

Older Janet fics

I asked for links to older Janet fics. The ones listed here, in no particular order, are a combination self-linkage (encouraged, as always) and recs.

Making BABIES, by sg_fignewton. Sam and Janet and an annoying Jack. The ladies win. No spoilers. PG.

Coming Down, by sg_fignewton. Sam and Janet in the aftermath of Upgrades. PG.

Infirmary Notes, by aurora_novarum. Hilarious day-in-the-life for Janet, as seen through her medical log. PG.

Overheard in the ICU, by kalquessa. Crossover with House, in which Janet gives as good as (or better than) she gets. PG-13.

A Time For Killing and ...and a Time For Healing, by aelfgyfu_mead. The story of Menace from two unique POVs: the first fic from Reece's, and the second from Janet's. PG-13.

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness, by Kaz. PG. Heartbreaking Janet POV of the beginning of Meridian.

Assess This, by betacandy. Delightful first-time meeting with SG-1 from Janet's POV, right after Emancipation. PG.

Lunchrooms are Alike All Over, by geoncannon. Time heals all wounds, words will never hurt me, and other lies our mothers told us. PG.

Of Anthropological Interest, by butterflykiki. Janet catches Daniel at... something. :) PG-13.

Adrenaline, by betacandy. A great look at Janet in the field with SG-1 and another team. PG-13.

Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow, by nikej. Another Janet in the field with SG-1--cracky and fun.

Lead Me Home, by gategremlyn. Link is for Alpha Gate.

Every Art and Artifice, by thestylus. Janet pre-series. R.

Five Conversations Janet Fraiser and Cameron Mitchell Never Had , by pellucid. PG.

Five ways it all ended happily for Janet Fraiser, by paian. The last one's not techinically gen, but it's kinda sorta potentially canonical, so we'll allow it. :) PG.

Roadtrip, by sela21k. Sam on the subject of Janet and friendship, post-Heroes. G.

And lots of Janet goodness from cnidarian:

Carry Every Hope. G. Daniel, Janet. Rite of Passage missing scene.

And Nothing But. PG. Jack and Janet silliness. The whole truth.

Impartial Particles. PG. General Hammond and Janet. The SGC has been infiltrated.

Leaves That Were Green. PG. General Hammond. The aftermath of Heroes Part 2.

Misplace Your Mistakes [Somewhere You Won’t Miss Them]. PG. Janet angst. Sometimes, the Stargate makes triage really, really difficult.

The Incident of the Cheese Toasties in the Night-time. G. Janet and Jack, mischief in the infirmary.

The Repercussions. G. Post-2001, a scene with 3/4 of SG-1.

Other older fics

Non-Janet fics were also welcome, of course! The ones listed below are partially self-linked and partially recced.

Gray, by stargazercmc. It's been three years since she got the first one, but Cassie is still surprised when the Valentine's Day package comes each year. G.

Pearl in the Shell, by matt1969. Cassie futurefic: Sometimes you have to lose the battle in order to win the war. PG.

Breaking the Rules, by sg_wonderland. Jack teaches Cassie - and Daniel! - how to be a kid. PG

These are Gold, by izhilzha. Cassie futurefic. "Make new friends, but keep the old/ Those are silver..."

The Other Side of the Time Loop, by yvi. When the members of SG1 don't return from their adventure in 1969, Cassandra's whole life is turned upside down. PG.


sg_betty posted Definitions May Vary, an SG-1 vid.

suzannemarie posted Dream on.

If I left out a link or messed up some HTML, please let me know. And here's to more gen fic and SG-1 squee!

gen fic day

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