My friends are saints and santa clauses and I love them all. The emotional (and other kinds) of support from you folks has been AMAZING AND AWESOME and there is no WAY on earth that Suki won't make a full recovery with people like you in her corner
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Spoke to the vet this a.m. Suki's fever has not gone away and she appears to be nauseous and is still not eating. The main priority continues to be keeping her away from Lirin (who was sneezing like the dickens this am. Every tiny kitty "choo!" was like a little arrow to my heart. cliched, but true nonetheless). The cost has edged up to $450
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Lirin was sneezing this a.m. Still a whirling dervish, but a sneezing one. So far she has been very easy to medicate however. She doesn't even make a face. Just goes right back to bouncing. I hope the antibiotics keep this mild. The idea of her suffering the way Suki is makes my heart hurt even worse than it does now
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So, Suki is not just a little bit sick; she is very, very sick indeed. Not only does she have a ferocious upper respiratory thing, she also has a fairly advanced UTI going. We would not have known about that part except that I threw a puppy pee pad into the carrier when I took her to the vet and she urinated on it and it was like 70% blood. Poor
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So, just hours after it looked like Suki was coming around (and I posted about the kitty snug-fest) her sneezes turned into a full-blown snot festival. She is miserable and has decided her current condition is clearly My Fault. She has retreated back into the lining of the bed. In the bedroom. Where we all sleep. she came out a few times in
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Okay, so kitten is fine, playing her heart out. Yaone, however, has wedged herself behind the christmas tree where I can't reach her and looks really stressed. Do I just leave her alone? She doesn't know where her food or litter are. Should I worry or is this normal? At least they seem to be okay with each other...
Hi!!! I'm going to try to be better about LJ, honestly. I missed a lot of things. Have I missed any good Crawford/Schu porn or has everyone been writing Sherlock Holmes lately? If anyone has Crawford/Schu recs from the last six months or so, bring 'em on. Same goes for 585
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And I want to send cards, so if I don't have your address or if you aren't sure if I have your address or if I have the wrong address, please get me your addresses.
They might (might, mind you) even go out before Christmas
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