First of all, please post the links to all the applications (regular OR theme) you have voted on:
1 2 3 4 THE BASICS
01. Name: Kit
02. Age: 19
03. Gender: Female
04. Is that also the gender you would like to be stamped as? A little genderbending never hurt anyone! I'm fine being stamped as male or female.
If this is a re-stamp, feel free to tell us who you were stamped as last time and in what ways you think this person does not correspond to your personality: N/A
05. Likes: Creative writing, illustration, animation, animals, laughing, worldbuilding, open-mindedness, people with good senses of humor, hanging out with my friends, good food, all-nighters, a good story, knowing what makes people tick, chocolate walnut ice cream, Pixar movies, nostalgia, lying around with the laptop, steampunk, Firefly, geeking out.
06. Dislikes: Malicious, intolerant, manipulative, or backstabbing people. Hypocrisy, cooked vegetables, injustice, being yelled at, being helpless, bad writing, glorification of things that shouldn't be glorified, carbonated drinks, hypodermic needles, feeling my own pulse (anything that makes me acutely aware of my blood circulation makes me panic, weird phobia, huh?), elevators, watching loved ones suffer, watching people who don't deserve it be bullied, reality TV, internet drama (unless I can stand faaar away from it), aggressive drunks, people whose entire lives revolve around partying.
07. Strengths: Well, first and foremost, as an artist and a writer, I like to think of myself as very creative, and hopefully eloquent as well. I'm also very empathic in a way and have an easy time getting into peoples' heads and figuring out what they're doing and why they're behaving in the way that they are. This knack can be frustrating at times but has never failed me, and I always regret when I don't listen to my intuition in that regard. For this reason, I've often found myself to be a mediator in fights or disagreements between friends, because I have that ability to see the bigger picture and exactly what the problem is.
I have a strong distaste for injustice and always try to help those in need, especially if no one else seems to be sticking their neck out. I am very loyal and protective of my friends and family. I also highly value learning and have a head for useless trivia that nonetheless might come in handy someday! I'm also very open about my flaw and consider honesty to be the best policy-- because keeping the bad things secret until it's too late will just bite you in the ass.
Also, I when I talk, I tend to talk way too much. This app? Is probably gonna get long.
08. Weaknesses: Although my skills with seeing the motivations of people around me usually helps me to remain the calmer one in the situation, I can be very hotheaded and passionate. My hate for injustice actually drives me to a fault, because I'm very sensitive and take things too personally a lot of the time. It's very hard for me to let bygones be bygones and apologize when I seriously think I've been treated wrongly, so I can hold very powerful grudges. Along the same vein, I'm not very forgiving of people who are aware of bad situations and don't do anything to stop them. More than once I've noticed something wrong and with hardly a second thought jumped in to help, only to find that other people were aware, but apathetic of, the problem for a very long time. Even though it's not their responsibility to be going out of their way to help, it just makes me unreasonably angry. I do consider this a weakness, because, well, let's just say it doesn't endear me much to other people and just because I might do something good, holding everyone else to the same standards is unfair.
I also have a hard time admitting that I'm wrong and sometimes will dig my heels in even when I know I'm not in the right, just because I don't want to give the other party the satisfaction of seeing me admit a mistake. I wouldn't necessarily call myself a proud person over all (the phrase 'You're your own worst critic' is very true with me), but I care a little too much about what others think of me, and hate looking sheepish or stupid.
I'm also a hideous procrastinator and have a hard time applying myself to things I don't want to do until the very last minute, upon which I'll have a panicky all-night freakout session during which whatever I needed to get done SOMEHOW does.
(Please provide a short explanation as well)
09. Optimistic or pessimistic? Oddly enough, both. I sometimes have a hard time being able to tell if I'm a natural optimist who grew pessimistic over time, or the other way around. It largely depends on my mood. Most of the time, I consider myself to be very optimistic. I can see potential good in most (minor) bad experiences and I have a love of life that usually means I go about thinking that everything will turn out all right in the end, which it usually does. But sometimes I feel like underneath that, is a miserable cynic who just sits there and is sure that everything is crap, the world is going to hell, and I'm surrounded by idiots so I can't even enjoy the view while it happens. I don't like being reminded of this fact.
10. Leader or follower? Deep down, I like being a follower. I'm happier if other people decide what to do, both because I don't have to stress as much over whether it's the right choice or not, and I don't feel as bad if it crashes and burns. But no matter how much more comfortable I feel following, I have a hard time doing it. I'm on the bolder side of shy, so I'm often surrounded by people even quieter and less leaderlike than myself, forcing me to take a leadership role. And even when I'm not, I often find myself making group decisions purely because no one else seems to be stepping up, and as a result if I want something done right, I just have to damn well do it myself, because I can't trust anyone else to do that for me. It's a stupid combination, but in the end I guess I'd class myself as a reluctant leader.
11. Introvert or extrovert? I'm a born introvert. I like my alone-time and spent a lot of my time lost in my own thoughts. For a long time I had trouble doing anything but sit there hiding behind my sketchpad while in public places. Since then, I've learned to cope by putting up a more extroverted facade, not so much in starting conversations but just easing tension up by cracking jokes or making myself seem more comfortable than I actually am. It usually serves me well, although at times, I overdo it and actually come off as too extroverted. I have a feeling that if I wasn't compensating for a more quiet nature, that wouldn't happen as much.
12. Mature or immature? Most of the time, I am very mature, especially in comparison to my peers. I think this has a lot to do with being able to see and understand other peoples' behaviors-- it's a lot easier to be the calm, level-headed one in an argument where accusations are thrown your way when you can tell that the only reason they're doing it is they really ARE just upset and don't actually have a grudge against you.
That said, when I'm around family or very close friends, it's very easy for me to backslide into being immature just because I know I can get away with it.
13. Violent or peaceful? I'm a pretty peaceful person. As a general rule, I lash out verbally rather than physically (my words can pack a punch, though!). However, if it was a situation where violence was necessary, I don't think I would hesitate. It might take a lot to push me that far, but I could fight tooth and nail if I felt like I had to.
14. Selfish or altruistic? In some ways, everyone is selfish, and even altruistic actions can be seen as selfish by people determined to find a way to poo-poo everything. But as a general rule, I'm altruistic. I like helping other people and in my mind, there's no excuse in certain situations not to.
15. Rude or polite? Polite. While I do lash out in anger, I ALWAYS feel bad afterwards, sometimes even when I think the other person thoroughly deserved the rudeness. I try to be polite as much as I can and can beat myself up indefinitely for stepping on others' toes, even if I didn't do it on purpose. I can be pretty anxious about whether or not I'm coming off as rude. However, I have a very sarcastic way of speaking a lot of the time, and sometimes sound like I'm being a jerk even when I'm not.
16. Eat here or take away? I'm the sort of person who gets stressed out at the idea of being away from work/the computer for too long a time unless it's for something necessary like classes or hanging out with friends (which is totally necessary, by the way!), so as nice as restaurants are, I'll almost always go for the takeaway option. It takes less time, not to mention there's something fun about eating restaurant food in your own house!
17. How do you present yourself in the company of friends? When I'm hanging out with friends, I'm very relaxed and I often get very loud without realizing it. I laugh a lot and can get sort of giddy.
18. And in the company of your enemies? Stone cold silence. If I'm stuck with people I don't like, I clam up.
19. And what about the company of strangers? It depends on the mood of the situation really. If I hit it off with them, I tend to be pretty easygoing. If it's uncomfortable though, I can be just as clammy as with people I actively dislike. I'm pretty paranoid about people judging me and I automatically feel wary around people who I don't know.
20. How do you react to people insulting your beliefs (your faith or your opinions in general)? Well, if they were just disagreeing, that'd be one thing. Disagreement is different from insulting. But insulting... I guess it depends. If it was something said in passing, I might feel hurt or insulted but I wouldn't say anything. No need to start an argument where there doesn't need to be one. But if someone actually insulted my beliefs to my face, I'd probably chew them out for it. I hold my principals very strongly and there's certain things, such as equal rights and animal welfare, that I'm very passionate about.
21. And people insulting your loved ones? The politest they'd get is "Maybe you should go somewhere that isn't in hearing range of their best friend to insult them, hm?". If it was a confrontational insult, then I'd be getting pretty worked up. I'm very protective of my loved ones. Although, if the person had a legitimate complaint and wasn't just being a douche, then I'd probably be more understanding, if maybe still feeling bad that they were being judgmental. We all have our flaws and my loved ones aren't exempt from that.
22. And what about people insulting you? I'm very sensitive and I take a lot of things personally. While I do have a sharp tongue, it's easy to stammer and lose my nerve when faced with people (particularly a group of people) who are insulting me. I get a strong fight of flight reaction and tend to feel very inferior to the one insulting me in a 'power' sense. But if I can gain the upper hand in an argument, that goes away. That said, I have a feeling that if enough anger built up, I'd probably explode eventually.
23. Are you better at coping with physical or mental pain? Physical. If you're gushing blood everywhere, then you can howl and scream all you want, but if you try doing that while there's nothing visibly wrong with you, you're gonna get some weird looks! On a more serious note, physical pain is straightforward. It's here, it's queer, and it's rockin' on the dance floor (your body). Mental pain, on the other hand, has all kinds of strings attached. Is it guilt? Hurt feelings? Anxiety? At least when you scrape your knee, you don't have to worry about whether or not the pavement secretly hates you, or if you wouldn't be hurting so badly if just maybe you'd treated it a little better.
24. Are you better at defending yourself physically or verbally? Verbally. I have a very sharp tongue and as long as I can get enough confidence to speak, I can do a lot of damage with it.
25. Do you prefer to assault people physically or verbally? Verbally. It can be just as powerful, and I have a large, sarcastic, and colorful vocabulary that just aches to jump to my defense. :) Not to mention, the pen (megaphone?) is stronger than the sword, and in a world where there's lots of stuff that's bigger and meaner than you, you learn to compensate with your words.
26. Which Silent Hill character do you LEAST identify with and why? It's a common answer, but Dahlia Gillespie. Most other villainous characters, even though I do not condone what they do, I can at least see where they're coming from.
Eddie was bullied to the point of snapping, Claudia wanted to save the world and find happiness, Walter was lonely and wanted his mommy.
But Dahlia is nothing short of a total sociopath; she's manipulative, selfish, and has no regard whatsoever for any other life besides her own. In fact, it's arguable that she probably only gave birth to Alessa in the first place so that she'd have a future tool with which to achieve her own ends (putting a child through unimaginable torture in the process).
That is horrifying to me, and nothing chills my spine more than to think of another human being who would look at me and see nothing but a slab of expendable meat to be used or gotten rid of. I rely very strongly on my ability to look at how people are behaving and figure out why-- it rarely leads me wrong.
But with a sociopath, there's nothing there to read because there's nothing I can relate to. I don't understand them and that frightens me.
27. Time to introduce you in a CUT SCENE! Are you the protagonist or somebody they meet? If you are the protagonist, then what brought you here? If not, what will you be found doing and how will you react to meeting that other person? Well, in most circumstances, I'd say I'm not the type to be the main character of a story, but since Silent Hill has a tendency to drag perfectly normal people into it, I'll bite. I'd probably be half-awake and trying to walk across campus to my classes, onto to realize that there was Something Very Wrong (tm). I have no ultimate dark secret in my past (though I have plenty of darker experiences that would undoubtedly form into some hideous creatures for me to face), so I'd probably be one of those unfortunate heroes who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
But then I'd join up with the aliens and go bust some heads!
28. Will you stay alone or join somebody else as soon as possible? I'd join somebody else. As much as I like my special alone time, I'd want someone to watch my back in a dire situation. There's strength in numbers, and if the other party member turned out to be dangerous, it probably wouldn't be too hard to ditch them if push came to shove. I'd feel bad, but you gotta do what you gotta do when there's monsters involved.
29. Congratulations, you are now deceased! Next to your corpse, written in blood there is one sentence. What does it say? "You should see the other guy." Or, alternately, "I came here to kick butt and chew gum, but then I ran out of butt. :("
30. And which set of lyrics, either from a song or poem would you like us to remember you by?
"If you are a dreamer, come in.
If you are a dreamer,
A wisher,
A liar,
A hoper,
A prayer,
A magic bean buyer.
If you're a pretender,
Come sit by my fire
For we have some golden-flax tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!"
31. Lastly, feel free to include one picture (no larger than 600 x 600) or a description of yourself.
"... What the hell?"