Only Each Other's Because The Day Is Long
Band(s): Panic at the Disco
Pairing(s): Ryan/Spencer
Word Count: ~25,000
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 for sexual content involving minors and drug use
Summary: AU. Panic falls apart before they get signed and so do Ryan and Spencer. Five years later, Ryan and Jon work for Pitchfork and run a music blog on the side, Spencer’s moved to Brooklyn to focus on his new band, and Brendon’s got a job with Columbia Records.
Author's Notes: Thank you so very much to my patient beta,
iamtheenemy for putting up with my last-minute additions and general abuse of commas. Any mistakes that remain are entirely mine. Thanks to all the people that encouraged me along the way and helped me finish this fic- you know who you are! Special thanks to
egelantier for keeping me sane and listening to me whine about this fic endlessly. Thank you also to my fanmixer,
queen_geek, for an amazing mix that fits my fic perfectly, and to my fanartist,
sketchofsoda, for incredible art that has made me smile for weeks. Last but not least, thank you to all the BBB mods for organizing and running BBB! ♥
The title is taken from a poem by Brenda Shaughnessy. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Master Post Part One Part Two Part Three Bonus Tracks/Enhanced Content
Ryan heard the next band strike up, let the sounds shake his bones. He smiled at Spencer and reached out to grab his hand.
sketchofsoda Fanmix:
[Dismantle, Repair] by