The Mrmpfle Legacy: Chapter 1.8

Jul 16, 2010 15:19

Previously: Peanut went and got herself knocked up again. Porkchop was generally ignored and forgotten. Squishy was about as awesome as he always is. The boys had a no pants parties, and Gage was...Gage. Someone's always themself it would seem.

warnings: bad language, dancing topless teens, general awesomeness of awesomeosity, adorable girl chillens
previous: 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6

We start this update with a makeover!

Peanut: What do you think? Is it befitting a serious career woman and mother of three?

Personally, I like it. I think she looks cute :'D

Squish's nameless friend (I think it might be Demetri, and if it isn't, it is from now on.) has moved up in the world. Well, his family has.

Dimitri's Family Member(henceforth to be known as DFM): Hey cool! When I poke my eyeball, the world moves!! 8D

Squishy: As informative as that is, it really doesn't answer my question about World War 2...

Squishy decided to give up on his homework since DFM wasn't being helpful in the least. So he headed inside to read a bit.

DFM2: I sure am hungry little boy.

Squishy: Okay then! I'm outta here!

Squishy: Hey Anna, I feel really weird.

Anna: Yea, I would too if some old woman threatened to cannibalize me.


Anna: Oh hey! Birthday time! :D

Demetri&Squishy: *merge into one super being*

Squishy: Hmm...

Anna: To the mirror/dresser with you!

Squishy: Well hello there good looking. *winks*

Yea, Squish fared quite well in the looks department in my humble opinion.

He grew up into the dramatic trait. So for those of you keeping score at home, he is now Hot headed, Hates the Outdoor, is Absent-minded and now dramatic. He also rolled the wish to be a professional author and I indulged him.

The dramatic trait is pretty cool. He can fake passing out!

Anna: You are faking right Squish? Right? Squishy? *pokes with a stick* Hmm..oops.

Speaking of sleeping children, this update is already seriously lacking some adorableness. So here's a picture of Freckles being cuter than a button. Buttons wish they were this cute. Buttons ain't got shit on this kid.

Porkchop: Uh hello! I'm fricken starving here! And I'm pretty sure I barely said jack shit last update!

Anna: Eh. Blame the writer. *shrug*

I took pity on the forgotten middle child and let him eat cake for breakfast. As some famous person once said. Let them have cake!

Porkchop: *stares*

Gage: Son. Stop looking at my ass.

Porkchop: Hey! That's not what happened at all! I was waiting for the dishwasher so I could clean up after myself!

Anna: Eh. Like I already said, blame the writer.

Porkchop: *glares* Oh I am. I am!! *shakes old man fist of doom*

Obviously Squishy spent the night at Dimitri's house, and he's really quite a good house guest. He made his own breakfast, cleaned up after himself, and then ventured upstairs to explore.

There he found a stereo and a giant empty room that must be a giant dance floor. So Squish took advantage of that fact. So bring on the dancing Squishy spam!

Squishy: Oh yes. I am pretty awesome.

As you can see, I felt like Porkchop was getting neglected, screen time wise, so I tried to find something fun for him to do. His idea of fun was fishing. Mmhmm. Exciting.

Porkchop: Hey! I got a fish!

Anna: *sarcastic slow clap* Woo. Good for you.

Gosh. I do not know where this animosity towards Porkchop comes from. I feel guilty now.

Anyway. Porkchop caught us a new family pet. His name is Abram.

Abram: Oh hello there. My name is Abram. And my life started, you see *prepares to wax eloquent*

Anna: Shut up Abram! The fish in this household don't talk! *points to Gerry*

Gerry: 'sup *nods*

Anna: See Abram! Learn your place. >:|

Since Squishy had the ultimate life goal of being a professional author, he rolled the wish to join the writing profession. And since I clearly have a soft spot for Squishy. I let him.

Ivanov Man(also related to Dimitri): Hurr. That kid looks like a llama.

Anna: Shut up Ivanov! We don't like your kind here! Take that llama talk elsewhere!


Freckles: Ohai! That's much better. *giggles sweetly* Aren't I so cute? Tee hee ^^

Anna: What's wrong Peanut?

Peanut: I don't know. I just got this overwhelming fear that maybe Squishy is right. I don't like the way that plant is looking at me.

Peanut: Now Freckles, just remember, if the Day of Triffids ever does happen, we're all screwed.

Anna: LEGACY CLICHE #38594389: A+ parenting there Peanut *thumbs up*

As an aside. Why the heck did this picture not end up edited? Weird. 0_o Sorry bout that guys.

After instilling her daughter with a healthy fear of the end of the world, Peanut decided it was a great time to become an adult.

Porkchop: Yay Mum! WOOOO!!

Freckles: Eh. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. COME MR HORSEY! LET US FROLICK!

Gage: Ohmyfuck I've hit the motherlode! Thank you oh wise and powerful sim!overlord!!

Yea. Gage is still my little collecting bitch. Thankfully he enjoys it.

Gage: Oh Mr. Mailbox, I'm so tired but it was so worth it to get all that glorious collection bounty.

Expressing their emotional pain to inanimate objects seems to run in the family.

Freckles: Oh Mr. Block, I'm so tired I could eat you. Omnomnom.

While her husband and daughter were in motive distress, Peanut was unwinding from the day's stress by playing some video games. Also. Lol@herface.

Peanut: Fuck you.

I'm not the only one who has been noticing that Porkchop's been neglected. So the next morning Gage decided to spend some time one-on-one with his middle child.

Aw, adorable father-son moment.

Gage: Catch son!

Porkchop: Omg! I've got it! I've got it! I've got it!!

Porkchop: Shit, I don't got it.

Gage: I'd be disappointed if I weren't so pleased with how manly I look right now.

Time for more birthdays!

Peanut: This is the last time I have to do this right?

Anna: Oh how I wish. I can only pretend to find birthdays fascinating for so long.

Freckles: I'm a fairy princess!

Freckles: Hello freedom.

Anna: Mmhm. I think you mean 'Hello makover!'

Peanut: This one is growing up too? God!

Gage: *is irrationally excited*

Porkchop: *is unimpressed*

Freckles: Who cares about birthdays? I'm cute. Everyone should look at me!!

Everyone: *pretends to be excited*

Porkchop: Why is this making me so hungry?! D:

Porkchop: No seriously! OMALAWDS THE HUNGER!

Peanut: *le gasp* This party horn came out of nowhere!

Porkchop managed to channel the power of the sparklies and explode into teenhood.

Porkchop: That's it?

Peanut: *blows magical horn of mystery a little too late*

Anna: Well. How do you feel Porkchop?

Porkchop: Unimpressed.

Once again, Porkchop didn't really get a makeover. I liked his transition clothes. I felt like emo-y whiner suited him.

Porkchop: I heard that.

Anna: :P

Freckles: Let's all celebrate me! :D

Freckles is a little self-absorbed...

Well. He got a slight makeover. New non-everyday clothes. And since he's neurotic Porkchop loves to brush his teeth. Obsessively.

Somehow, Porkchop's fourth trait was never written down. Probably because I tend to forget about him. :| Oops.

Porkchop: I feel bubbly. This pleases me.

And that's where we'll end this update! Thanks again for reading. As per usual, I appreciate you spending your time reading my non-sensical blatherings. And once again. THANK YOU SWG!! You guys are the shit. ;) *hip thrust*

mrmpfle legacy

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