... it was just one of those times when everything seems to go wrong, or at least be complicated enough that in the mornings you just want to stay in your bed and forget the world.
I'm leaving tomorrow, at the wee hours of the morning, for my hopefully great weekend in Rome. I'm almost ready and quite eager to leave now, although I'm very tired and I know I won't sleep enough tonight
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I had Arthur - one of my cats for those who don't know him yet - operated today (just the common "you won't be able to have babies with the whole neighborhood" operation) . Before he went to the vet, the little $^ù%#& realised something strange was happening so he just fought me with all his might and I ended up with two fingers thoroughly
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She's not on my flist but that's only because she doesn't have a Live Journal - yes, there's still people around who don't want an LJ. Scary, isn't it ? ;D
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