**Important** Due to the large number of nominees we've been receiving we have decided to limit each category to fifteen nominees. All nominations received as of 10/20 have been accepted though. Please check to make sure that a category is still open before nominating.
Best Overall Fic Category Closed
- Fair Dinkum by deird1 (G; Buffy, Giles, OC)
- Influence of Demons by gabrielleabelle (NC-17; Buffy/Spike)
- Road to Byzantium by rahirah (PG-13; Spike, Dawn, Anya)
- Spike Vs Santa Claus: the Rematch by shapinglight (PG-13; Spike, ensemble)
- The Worst Journey in the World by shapinglight (R; Buffy, Spike, Wesley)
- Matchmaker by hello_spikey (PG; Buffy, Spike, Angel)
- A Buffyverse Alphabet by shadowscast (G; ensemble)
- Seraph by snickfic (PG-13; Spike, ensemble; mpreg)
- Reapingthe Whirlwind by liz_marcs (R; Xander, ensemble; x-over w/Dead Like Me)
- Anticipation by 2writers4spike (NC-17; Spike, ensemble)
- Fourteen Days on the Hellmouth by snowpuppies (R; Giles/Xander, Buffy/Faith; gore, cannibalism)
- Please Just by lily_lovely (PG; Faith/Buffy)
- Searching for Stability by Elisabeth (NC-17; Willow/Lindsey)
- In Dreams by sockmonkeyhere (R; Spike/Fred, ensemble)
- Retrieval and Return by alison_swift (PG-13, Spike/Fred)
Best Slash Fic Category Closed
Best Het Fic Category Closed
Best Gen Fic Category Closed
- On The Trail of the Pbuffalo by beer_good_foamy (PG-13, Ensemble)
- A Watcher Scoffs at Gravity by dipenates (R, Xander, Giles, Willow)
- Dead Girls' Party by erimthar (PG, Cordelia, Anya, Tara)
- Lilies by snowpuppies (G; Buffy, Dawn)
- In Alphabetical Order by beer_good_foamy (PG; ensemble)
- He's No Jack Sparrow by waddis (PG-13; Xander, OC)
- Thought You Should Know by angearia (R; Buffy, ensemble)
- Soul Drinker by hello_spikey (PG-13; Spike, ensemble)
- Facing the Future by brutti_ma_buoni (PG; Giles)
- Woodstock by angearia (PG-13; Spike, Drusilla)
- A Country Ride by nothorse (NC-17; Giles, Faith)
- Like Twins by lily_lovely (PG; Fred, Illyria)
- Cycles Interrupted by Elisabeth (PG; Oz, Giles)
- In Faith's Shadow by snowpuppies (NC-17; Faith, Xander; drugs, violence)
- Black Magic White Lies by moscow_watcher (R, Xander, Ensemble)
- The Lost by lilithbint (PG, Spike, Fred, Dawn, Xander)
Best Fluff/Lighthearted Fic Category Closed
- On The Trail of the Pbuffalo by beer_good_foamy (PG-13, Ensemble)
- The Adventures of Willow 'Danger' Rosenberg and Angel the Souled Vampire by velvetwhip (PG-13, Willow/Angel)
- Pancakes by grav_ity (PG, Gunn, Fred)
- Sex101 by purplefeen (NC-17, Willow/Spike)
- For Spike: A List by deird1 (G; Dawn, Spike)
- Fuzzy Thoughts by deird1 (G; Mr Gordo, Mr. Pointy)
- Just Desserts by rahirah (PG; Xander, Spike)
- It's Curtains For You, Slayer by stormwreath (G; Buffy, Spike)
- The Very Secret Diary of Edith the Bloody by brutti_ma_buoni (PG; ensemble)
- Violet Eyes Are Smiling by rebcake (PG; ensemble, OC)
- Some Days It Just Doesn’t Pay to Get Out of Bed by slaymesoftly (NC-17; Spike/Buffy/Xander)
- ...And They All Lived Happily Ever After by eowyn_315 (PG-13; Buffy, ensemble)
- The Beanstalk by snowpuppies (PG-13; Faith/Dawn)
- Shove With Your Hips by alison_swift (PG-13, Spike/Fred)
- Concentrate, Spike! by spikes_evilbint (NC-17; Spike/Angel)
Best Angst/Dark Fic Category Closed
- A Watcher Scoffs at Gravity by dipenates (R, Xander, Giles, Willow)
- The Secret by velvetwhip (NC-17, Willow/Angel, Rape)
- Shell Game by deird1 (PG; Illyria)
- Recalled to Life by nwhepcat (R; Buffy, Wesley)
- Lilies by snowpuppies (G; Buffy, Dawn)
- Please Just by lily_lovely (PG; Faith/Buffy)
- Hostile by snogged (NC-17; Forrest/Oz/Graham; rape)
- Severed and Sewn by clawofcat (R; Faith/Buffy)
- Cycles Interrupted by Elisabeth (PG; Oz, Giles)
- In Faith's Shadow by snowpuppies (NC-17; Faith, Xander; drugs, violence)
- She's Come Undone by sockmonkeyhere (PG-13; Spike/Fred)
- Everything a Big Bad Wolf Could Want by gabrielleabelle (NC-17; Spike; pedophilia)
- Ars Poetica by penny_lane_42 (R, Buffy/Spike)
- Tracker by spikes_evilbint (NC-17; Spike/Buffy; torture, mind control)
- Twirling by lit_gal (NC-17; Drusilla, Spike; torture)
Best Characterization Category Closed
- Succession by deird1 (for Buffy) (PG; Buffy/Spike)
- Five Times People Noticed Xander's Bruises Didn't All Come from Patrol by dipenates (for Xander) (R; Xander, ensemble)
- Now Comes the Night by eowyn_315 (for Spike) (PG-13; Buffy/Spike)
- Sweeter by kallysten (for Angel) (NC-17; Spike/Angel, Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Angel/Spike)
- Lilies by snowpuppies (for Buffy) (G; Buffy, Dawn)
- Sex 101 by purplefeen (for Spike) (NC-17; Spike/Willow)
- To Go On by lily_lovely (for Spike) (PG-13; Spike/Angel)
- Severed and Sewn by clawofcat (for Buffy) (R; Faith/Buffy)
- Cycles Interrupted by Elisabeth (for Oz) (PG; Oz, Giles)
- Shove With Your Hips by alison_swift (for Fred) (PG-13, Spike/Fred)
- Untitled Sequel to Strange Fascination by kallie_kat (for Willow) (NC-17; Willow/Spike)
- Canis Familiar by sockmonkeyhere (for Oz) (R; Spike/Fred, Angel/Nina, ensemble)
- Dead Girls' Party by erimthar (for Cordelia) (PG; Cordelia, Anya, Tara)
- Pancakes by grav_ity (for Fred) (G; Fred, Gunn)
- Talking Heads by spuffyduds (for Lorne) (PG; Lorne, Andrew, Harmony)
Best Drabble
Best Icon
Best Header/Banner
Best Manip
Best Vid
Favourite Het Author
Favourite Slash Author
Favourite Gen Author
Favourite Overall Author
Favourite Artist