Title: All for Butterscotch Rating: PG Pairing: None. Warnings: AU. This is an vignette within my BTS universe. Summary: Remember being a kid on summer break? A/N: For crsty1961's Timestamp prompt. It, uh... it got a bit longer than will fit in a comment and I had to make myself end it, or it would have just exploded on me as this universe is wont to do.
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Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (18/?) Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters) Pairing: Dom/Billy Warnings: Sequel to BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (17/?) Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters) Pairing: Dom/Billy Warnings: Sequel to BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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Title: The Best and Worst of Us Rating: PG Pairing: Billy, Sean Warnings: AU. This is an interlude within my BTS universe. It takes place during the events of TGS:Ch16. Summary: Making amends.
Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (16/?) Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters) Pairing: Dom/Billy Warnings: Sequel to BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (15/?) Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters) Pairing: Dom/Billy Warnings: Sequel to BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (14/?) Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters) Pairing: Dom/Billy Warnings: Sequel to BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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Title: Choosing One's Battles Rating: R for violence Pairing: None. Billy stars, along with OMCs. Warnings: AU, violence, blood. This is a flashback within my BTS universe. Stands alone, if you like, but better as part of the whole
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So, uh. Please don't hold me to any sort of schedule, here. This is the first time in a year I've felt like I have something from this story ready to post, and I'm slightly terrified at how it means I'm committed to taking it in a certain direction, so... ya know. Maybe encouragement might help. I could use it, in any case.
Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (12/?) Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters) Pairing: Dom/Billy Warnings: Sequel to BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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