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Title : Enhancing Multi-Cultural Awareness through Extra and Co-Curricular Activities: The Case of Bangkok University
Writer(s) : Siriwan Ratanakarn (Bangkok University, Thailand)
Design : Descriptive Study (?)
Participants : International and domestic (is that even the appropriate word?) undergraduate students in Bangkok University
This paper discusses about some activities that can be implemented to improve students’ awareness regarding multi-cultural issue. They are: 1). Workshops, Study Visits, Special Lectures and Student Forum with some partner universities, 2). Communal Development Camp in different campsite each year according to the urgency of villagers’ need, 3). Service Learning-One Province One University Project which focuses on making partner universities more active in participating in country development and social services activities at the province in which Bangkok university is located, 4). Cultural Heritage Filed Trip to give international students more chances to learn Thai’s culture, 5). Ligae Inter (or Thai Drama Group) which helps the campus on ‘promoting multi-culture awareness’, and 6). Thai Dance Workshop.
Every university must have such activities arranged for their international students. Beside those activities, the thing that I learn from this article is that it is important to facilitate students as best as we can in order to give them a chance to achieve their goal in learning. Teachers must be creative in helping students in learning and in taking advantages of aids surrounding them so that they can really improve their sense of awareness towards cultures, whether they are of their own or other’s.