Uhm. Miriel? Adûnathôr? I have news. Good news depending on how you look at it. Well, um. Pharazôn's back. He's been rehoused, he's with his parents at the consulate.
WANTED: 2 academic tutors for the heir to the currently missing Sceptre of Númenor. One elf and one mortal will be selected in the interests of educating the pupil on cultural diversity (but one peredhel will do in a pinch
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*Heads out with Gimilkhâd and several soldiers to look for Pharazôn.*Arrives at the spot and dismounts to have a look around while Gimilkhâd makes a bee-line for his prone son
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*Creeps out of his bedroom in the middle of the night wearing Hugh Hefner-esque pyjamas and dressing-gown.*
*Makes a beeline for the daughter-in-law's room but stops dead in his tracks when he hears a bark.*
Ack. Damn dog. Don't you dare come for a fuss, don't draw attention...*Frowns in puzzlement when no doggy appears in the gloom and carries
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Gimilkhad? You know you said you always suspected that Pharazon and Amandil weren't just "friends"? You know, you were always worried about Pharrie being a "bit of a nancy boy" from hanging out with those elf-friend types? Thing is, I just found these pictures and, well, are you sure you weren't projecting your own issues onto the boy?