[Extra] Orisuta August2009 Part 1/6

Aug 11, 2009 06:44

I have to go school, like, right now, so mistakes in this translation are immense. :))))))))) However, this will be edited ASAP. Shit. I have to go to Bio NOW.

Photos/edits will be updated lateeeeerrrr.

祝!10周年 <3 ベストアルバム発売
Congratulations! 10th anniversary <3 Best album release
「It's good to have been in Arashi after all」Said by these 5 guys even after this

上半期シングルランキング、1位2位を獲得。怒涛の勢いが止まらない嵐のベストアルバム「All the BEST! 1999-2009」が8/19に発売され。
Getting the 1st and 2nd places in the singles ranking for the year's first half. The wave of energy won't stop with the release of Arashi's best album 「All the BEST! 1999-2009」.

Certainly when it comes to best records to adorn the 10th anniversary one is appropriately unrivaled, and then after this a free talk from the time of debut until the present time will take place.

Aiba Masaki
82年12月24日生まれ AB型
Born 24December1982      Bloodtype AB

「It seems that even while my character now is going through changes, it's indeed something that came to be molded for 10 years and running.」

What you told yourself after having entered Johnny's Jimusho!
It was "Let's enjoy this!".
Q.10年間で一番恥しかった経験 は?
In the span of 10 years what has been the most embarrassing experience?
It was during last year's concert at Kokuritsu Kasumigaoka Stadium when my trousers got torn.... Everyone ended up laughing, but of course it was embarrassing (laughs).

What kind of impression do you get when you look back at yourself at the time of your debut 10 years ago?
相葉 何をどうすればいいのかあまりわかったない状況の中でとにかく必死でしたね。最初の頃はカメラの前で何を話せばいいのかどうすればいいのかもわかってなかったし。......って今でもあんまり、わかってないんだけど(笑)。いろんな番組に出させていただく中で、今の自分のキャラみたいなものが少しずつ出せるようになってきた気はします。でもこれでいいとは思ってない。自分のキャラクターが何かって答えを出すのはすごく難しいことだから。
Aiba: It's good no matter how I was doing but because I didn't understand the circumstances very much at that time, I was frantic. At first I couldn't comprehend what would be good to say or do in front of the camera......Then again even now I still don't understand it that much (laughs). In the course of putting out various programs, it's like my present character feels that the time has come for it to reveal itself little by little. But I I don't think this here is good. It's because it's immensely difficult to come up with an answer as to what my character is.
Isn't your present character "Aiba-chan" by no means a permanent thing?
相葉 ですね。キャラってある意味コントロールできるものというか、あくまで表現の仕方のひとつだから。かといって自分でこうしようって前もって決めてなれるものでもなくて。今のキャラはそうやって変化もする中で、10年かけて作ってきたものなんですよ。
Aiba: It is. The significance of having a character is that it's something you can control, or perhaps I should say it's because it's an endless method of presentation. On the other hand it's not like me to get used to deciding that I would be this certain way before the public. It seems that even while my character now is going through changes, it's indeed something that came to be molded for 10 years and running.
Within the 10 years it was something that came to be taken out naturally?
相葉 そう。(TV番組)"Aの嵐"で自由にやらせてもらったり、「天才!志村どうぶつ園」(日テレ系)で体を張ってロケをしたり、それぞれの機会をいただく中で出来たもの。なので別の機会を与えてもらっていればまた違うものは出てきたのかはわからない。でも今はあえて変えていこうとは思ってないし、どうやったらこの"相葉雅紀"を表現できるか、どうしたらここをもっと厚くしていけるか。今後の作業はそこだなって思ってます。
Aiba: It seems so. I was made to freely do anything in (TV program) "A no Arashi," I risk my life filming on location for "Tensai! Shimura Doubutsuen" (NTV group), and I was ready to accept every opportunity. Because of that I don't know if it's time for me to come out with another one if I am still offered to accept a different kind of thing. But right now I'm not thinking of when I will go on to venture into other things, how this Aiba-chan presentation can do them, and how I can be good at doing the next heavier ones. I will think of those matters instead with regards to work from now on.
You've even gotten good at capturing the objective in appearing as this sort of "Aiba Masaki," and we're wondering if there's something about you that has matured in these 10 years.
相葉 自分の成長って自分ではわからないけど、5人みんなちょっとずつは変わってるんじゃないかな。
Aiba: I myself don't know about me maturing, but I hope that with all 5 of us not much has changed.
ーそんな中で相葉さん個人の活動としては、7月に「体操JAPAN CUP 2009」(フジ系)のフィールドナビデーターをつとめられましたよね?
As for the sort of Aiba-san during personal activities, didn't you serve as field navigator for the "Gymnastics JAPAN CUP 2009" (Fuji group) in July?
相葉 話をいただいてから大会や練習を観にいかせてもらったんだけど、体操って人間ワザじゃない、考えられない動きをしてて本当にすごいんですよ。そのすごさを楽しく、わかりやすく伝えられたらいいと思いますね。
Aiba: After having a discussion I accepted so that I can make the most out of seeing the tournaments and practices, but I don't have what it takes to perform as a gymnast, and I never thought that the performers' movements are indeed quite amazing. That level of greatness is fun, and I think it would be good if I could impart it in a way that's easy to understand.
You mention the sort of "Aiba-chan" who can also communicate, but if it's the energetic character you have which endlessly brightens up then you can do it with that disposition for sure.
相葉 それなら嬉しいんですけどね。笑ってばっかりいられないこともあるけど、そういう中で精一杯笑っていきたいし、笑っていられれば幸せ。今後もその気持ちで頑張っていきたいです。
Aiba: If that were the case I would be happy, however. There are also circumstances when I just can't keep smiling, but I want to go in the middle of something like laughter being done with all of one's might, and if I'm able to laugh then it would be a blessing. From now on I also want to go do my best with that feeling.
So next we want to hear about Arashi as a whole, but coming from Aiba-san can you see something that has changed between 10 years ago and in the present time among the members?
相葉 当たり前だけど顔は変わったよね(笑)。あと最初は5人ともすごい硬かったから、その頃に比べれば関係性はもちろん変わってきたとは思うけど、基本的な空気感は変わらない。絆みたいなものは強くなってると思うけど。
Aiba: It's obvious but their faces have really changed (laughs). Because after the onset the 5 of us amazingly became solid friends, I think if you compare the connectivity we had at that time of course it has gone through changes, but the fundamental atmosphere feeling is unchanging. Although I think that it's like our bond has been strengthened.
Comparing the 5 of you on stage now and back then has it differed completely?
相葉 違いますね。それこそ初めて嵐としてジャニーズJr.のコンサートに出たときなんかは本当に緊張したし。そのあとのファーストコンサートも嵐の曲が全然ない中で先輩の曲を借りて歌ったりしてすごく覚えてる。始まる前もお客さんんが観に来るかなとかハラハラドキドキしたんですよ。でも今、思えばそのドキドキも楽しかった。
Aiba: It's changed. Things like appearing in a Johnny's Jr. concert with Arashi for the first time made us really nervous. Amazingly I remember after the fast concerts we even did things like singing borrowed songs of our senpais when Arashi didn't have songs at all. Before the start looking at the guests was I guess one of the things that made our hearts go from pit-a-patting to beating fast. But now, if I consider it that fast heartbeat was enjoyable as well.
In addition what is the impression that has remained?
相葉 5人で映画を撮った「ピカ.ンチ LIFE IS HARD だけど HAPPY」(02年公開)は楽しかった。この頃ってレコード会社が変わったり、「ナイスな心意気」(8thシングル)で頭を七三にしてメガネかけて遊んだり、いい意味で定まらすいろんなことをやらせてもらったんですよ。その探っていく感じがね、すごく面白かった。
Aiba: The movie "Pika.nchi LIFE IS HARD Dakedo HAPPY" (shown 2002) that was shot with the 5 of us was enjoyable. It was around this time that we changed recording companies, we had fun running and wearing glasses and having our hair parted to one side with "Nice na Kokoroiki" (8th single), and it was of excellent significance when the various things we had gotten to perform were being settled. That searching feeling was highly amusing.
What is it about yourselves that you suppose has come to appear but it gave the impression that it couldn't be put to use?
相葉 毎日違うことをやって、その一瞬をやってきたって感じかな。でもそれは今も変わってなくてつねに刺激的だし、だからこそ僕自身は10年たっても嵐らしさがわからないし、わからなくていいと思ってる。これからもとにかく何でも一生懸命やるっていうのが5人のスタンスだし、そんならしは今の僕のすべてだからね。
Aiba: Everyday changes are happening, I guess I've felt that moment come around. Even if it's stimulating it is constantly changing even at present, that's why for sure I personally don't know what is typical of Arashi even with the 10 years, and I think I'm okay even without knowing. At any rate even after this saying that they will perform everything with utmost effort is the stance of the 5 guys, and therefore that kind of Arashi is entirely what I am right now.


Scans are over HERE!
Credit and thanks to shokim! <3 <3 <3

2009, orisuta, extra, discussion:of members, interview:solo, idol work, parts:1

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