Unedited/raw/open-for-corrections version~ :3
I love Sho's answer to the first question~ I love that about Arashi, too~~ <3 <3 <3
83年1月25日生まれ A型
Born 25January1982 Bloodtype A
「When I personally allowed the feelings I've had to flow into the rap, it becomes a personal mixture」
Q. 「嵐にとって"コレだけは他の人グループには譲れない!(負けない)"というものは?」
For Arashi, what is something like, "This is the only one that we won't yield to other groups! (We won't lose)"?
Since they don't care about their neighbors' lawns it's not from an aspect that other groups are concerned with, but the second you think, "How idiotic these fellows are~," it's something that can be considered a good match with its many strong points. Even yesterday in a variety show, about 15 minutes into the 30, we had a game with random penalties like gold leaf being painted on the face and eyebags being placed. When I looked to the side while thinking, "How idiotic~," Ohno-kun who was next to me had been painted with the face of a panda. That sort of point, it's the feature that I've come to like most about Arashi (laughs).
Q. 「10年間で一番恥しかった経験は?」
In the span of 10 years what has been the most embarrassing experience?
It's got to be the transparent outfit when we did the debut song. Originally I was wearing something inside like a tank top, but on the very day, I was told, "Aren't you going to take it off?" Iya~, that was very embarrassing. Even with the other performers, I saw that the expression on their faces were like, "Eh? Eh?" (laughs) Well I was unwilling but I gave in, and enough of that moment, I remember the embarrassment in school the following day.
But now after such a long time, somehow haven't you become the one in charge of the rap parts' details?
櫻井 それは俺にも分かんないんです(笑)。もともとブラックミュージックがすごく好きだったから、「やりたいか?やりたくないか?」って聞かれたら、「めちゃくちゃやりたいです」って笑えたと思うけど、自分から能動的にお願いしたわけではなくて。大野くんは、「歌とラップ、どっちがいい?」って聞かれて、歌を選んだらしいけど、僕に至ってはとくになんも聞かれてなくて......。気がついたら、はじけりゃYea!~(デビュー曲「A-RA-SHI」冒頭 部分)って言ってたという(笑)。だから、ぼくの場合、ます、ラップと向き合うっていうところから始めたと思うんですけど、やらせてもらう以上は、他の4人のメンバーが納得できるものじゃなければいけないって思ってて。大げさにいうと、相当勉強したんですけど、それも好きだからこそできたことだと思いますね。
Sakurai: I don't know about that (laughs). Because I've immensely liked African-American music right from the start, when I was asked, "Do you want to do it? Do you not want to do it?" I'd think with a smile, "I want to do it like hell," but nothing happened since I didn't actively request for it myself. As for Ohno-kun, he was being asked, "Song and rap, which one is good?" and when he had chosen song the fact is it's perfect for him, but when I was deciding I wasn't asked anything else in particular...... When I became aware of it I was saying, Hajikerya Yea!~ [first part of debut song "A-RA-SHI"] (laughs). Therefore in my case, first of all I think it began so to speak from rapping facing each other, but in the prearranged performances we had, I think it's unacceptable if the other 4 members had not agreed that it's something I can do. It would be an exaggerated thing to say that I'm very diligent, but in addition to that I think when I like something I'll be able to do it.
ー2枚目のアルバム「HERE WE GO!」の頃から、すでにご自身でラップのリリックを書くようになってますよね。そもそも、どうして自分で書きたいって思ったんですか?
From around the time of the 2nd album "HERE WE GO!" it was too late for you to write the rap lyrics yourself. In the first place, how did you arrive at the idea that you wanted to write them on your own?
櫻井 ファーストコンサートをやった00年の3月にm'floのVERBALさんと知り合って。「自分では書かないの?」って聞かれたんですよね。当時は、作家さんに書いていただいた曲を歌うのがアイドルと思ってたので、自分で書くっていう考えすら持ってなかったんですけど、"確かにそうだよな、自分の言葉で伝えたいな"って考えるようになって。それで、スタッフさんに「自分で書きたいんだけど」っていう話をして、最初はコンサートのソロ曲からはじめて、アルバム収録曲で書かせてもらって。シングル「言葉より大切なもの」(11thシングル)のときに、初めてシングル曲にも自分で書いたラップを入れてもらえるようになったっていう流れになってますね。
Sakurai: I got to know VERBAL-san of m'flo In the first concert we did in February 2002. He asked me, "Aren't you writing them yourself?" At that time, because I thought I wanted to take up writing the songs that the writers do for idols to sing, writing them myself was something I had to think about, but in order for me to consider it he said, "Wanting to convey something using your own words is only right." Because of that when I was having a talk with staff-san I said, "I want to write them myself, however." Starting from solo songs in concerts, I was allowed to write for the album compilation songs. In the time of the single "Kotoba Yori Taisetsu na Mono" (11th single), I had to allow things to flow so that for the first time I could insert the rap I had written into the song.
By yourself, which song's rap did you especially contemplate on?
櫻井 自分で書いたやつは全部、思い入れが深いんですけど、キレイな描写ができたかなって思えたのは、3枚目のアルバム「How's it going?」に入ってる「パレット」っていう曲ですね。4行だけのラップ詞なんだけど、まとまったものができたなって思った。あと、5人でラップする詞をはじめて書いたっていう意味では、5枚目んのアルバム「One」も思い出深いし、6枚目のアルバム「ARASHIC」くらいからは、言葉の操り方が変わったなって自分での感じたりしたね。
Sakurai: When it comes to things that I write as a whole the contemplation is deep, but it's the one I was able to come up with a clear depiction of, and it's the flowing song "Palette" from the 3rd album "Hows it going?" It's only the words in the 4th line of the rap, but I thought I had done something heavy. After that, it was significant when for the first time I wrote the words of a rap for the 5 of us to do, like in the 5th album "One" which was profoundly memorable, and from around the 6th album "ARASHIC" I felt in myself that it's as though the way I'm manipulating words had changed.
Is there a song that you've felt is able to take you back your solo activities?
櫻井 それは、やっぱり、オリンピック中継の「北京」(日テレ系)のテーマソングになった「風の向うへ」(23rdシングル)かな。
Sakurai: As for that, as expected, I guess it's "Kaze no Muko e" which became the theme song of the Olympic relay in Beijing (Hi Television group).
Before, Sakurai-san was saying "I gained self-confidence by being a newscaster."
櫻井 自信とはちょっと違うかもしれないです。夢がほんとに形になるんだってことを実感できたというか、自分にとっての軸となる居場所ができたっていう感覚の方ガ近いですね。
Sakurai: It may be somewhat different from self-confidence. It's a keen feeling for a dream to really take form, or maybe I should say that it's close to the way you feel when you're able to grasp the whereabouts of your axis as far as you're concerned.
You're indeed quite unique for being a rapper, a newscaster, and an idol.
櫻井 自分でも、「NEWS ZERO」(日テレ系)で「櫻井キャスターのラップが......」って言われたときは、ちょっと恥ずかしかったんですけど(笑)、アスリートのみなさんにインタビューされていただいて、そのなかの言葉や、僕自身が感じた思いをラップにおとせたときは、自分らしいミクスチャーができたなって思いましたね。
Sakurai: In "NEWS ZERO" (NTV group) when they said, "Sakurai the rapping newscaster......" it was a bit embarrassing (laughs), but when I'm interviewing athletes, the words spoken during that, when I personally allowed the feelings I've had then to flow into the rap, it becomes a personal mixture.
Again, if you try to look back at these 10 years, since you're Arashi what do you think is the message that you convey?
櫻井 僕らは、応援歌とラブソングっていうのがふたつの柱だと思ってるんです。応援歌で言えば、「We can make it!」(19thシングル)で"Dream"と書いて"目標"と読むとか、「Believe」で〈失敗からしか何一つ学べず〉とか。説教臭くならない程度に人の背中を押せるようなメッセージが込められたなって思ってて。ラブソングの場合は、聴いて絵が浮かぶようにしたいていう気持ちがありますね。*
Sakurai: Ouenka and love songs are two of our pillars. When I say ouenka, it's like when you read "target" and "dream" written in "We can make it!" (19th single), and also in "Believe" is "There's not just one thing to learn from failure." I've come to think that I can't help including lesson-preaching in messages that are similar to the degree of putting pressure on someone. As for the case of love songs, there are words we want to say in order for a picture to come in mind when you're listening to them. *
Lastly, please inform us of an objective from now on.
櫻井 できるようになったことが増えると、どうしても難解なことをやりたがるようになっちゃうんですよね。そこを、あえて、分かりやすい言葉に落として込むことが、これから重要になってくるのかなって思ってて。これは、結構冗談じゃなく、カラオケで歌えるラップを書かなきゃって、ちょっとマジで思ってますね。
Sakurai: If it means that more things will be possible, in the long run doing those that are difficult to understand are worth it. I will take it upon myself to put it in simple words, after this i will accomplish those things that will go on to be essential. This isn't a joke, I have to write rap that will be sung in karaoke, and I plan to do it a bit seriously.
* Ouenka means "supporters' song," kinda like those sung in games and such. // That rap line in "Believe" is "Shippai kara shika nani hitotsu manabezu."
Credit and thanks to shokim! <3 <3 <3