[Extra-edited!] Orisuta August2009 Part 2/6

Aug 14, 2009 05:59

I was supposed to have posted this yesterday but blahblahblah the internet went crazy. Ah well.
Matsumoto Jun was supposed to be next but his scan was blurry at some lines, and I'm not a kanji gueeser. :)))))))))) So, he'll have to wait until after Ohno. :D

83年6月17日生まれ A型
Born 17July1983      Bloodtype A

No matter what kind of work scene I go to, I go as a member of Arashi so I don't make choices for myself.

What you told yourself after having entered Johnny's Jimusho!
Please do your best. Work hard so you can get your due returns.
Please inform us of your own special turning point when it comes to activities now!
When I became a member of Arashi. It was when I met the members of Arashi by chance.

The end of 10 years, in saying that, how is it looking back at Arashi's 10 years?
二宮 いや、実はそれほど実感がないんですよ。これまでも、ほとんど考えてみたこともなかったなぁ。
Ninomiya: Well, to be honest I don't have that much actual feelings about it. So far, I mostly haven't even tried thinking about it.
When you realize it's 10 years?
二宮 そうそう。本当に"気づいたら10年"っていう感じ。いろんな人に言われてみて気づいたくらい、あまり意識していなかったんだよね。
Ninomiya: That's right, that's right. Saying "when you realize it's 10 years" is really how it feels. Though various people have somehow noticed, I was not that aware of it.
Well then, whenever you're being asked for information like this it feels like you're looking back (laughs).
二宮 そうそう(笑)。(以前は)まさか自分がドームや国立霞ケ圧競技場でこンサートできるようになるなんて思ってもみなかったし。自分たちが10年間にやったことは、デビュー当時からだと想像してもいなかったことばかり。
Ninomiya: Right, right (laughs). By no means was I troubled about or even thinking about what to become in order to be noticed in the dome and Kokuritsu Kasumigaoka Stadium concerts. What we did for 10 years, the time of our debut, I wasn't just imagining them.
Ninomiya-kun during those debut days was saying, "It's good to be in Arashi after all," but you've given that sort of comment even this year. Your scope of activities apart from those being done with Arashi has become extensive, although the sense of being an Arashi member has not been broken in 10 years.
二宮 そうですね。どんな仕事の現場に行っても、僕は嵐の一員としての自分でしかないですから。もっともっと根底にあるのは、歌はもちろん、ドラマでも映画でも舞台でもなんでも僕らが歩いているこの道は先輩たちが築いてくれた道だっていうこと。僕らはそれを汚さないできちゃんと歩いて、後輩に引さ継いでいくっていうことなんだって思っているんですよ。自分たちの代でその道を汚すことだけはしたくないんですよね。
Ninomiya: It seems so. No matter what kind of work scene I go to, I go as a member of Arashi so I don't make choices for myself. Having more and more of a foundation, naturally with songs, even with dramas, movies, plays, anything, the path that we have been walking can be called the path that our senpais have established. We are perfectly walking without disgracing it, and I've been thinking that it's something that will be handed down to the kouhais. The only thing is that they better not be prepared to dishonor the path that is to be made in our generation.
Even Arashi, isn't a part of you already becoming that "senpai?"
二宮 いやいや。全然そんなことないですよ。先輩たちと僕らの関係は変わりませんから。
Ninomiya: No, no. We are not like that at all. The connections between us and the senpais haven't changed.
Then, what do you think was the biggest step up in your work these 10 years?
二宮 うっ......全然考えたことがないですね(笑)。ホント、僕、自分に興味がないんですよ。強いて、一番って言ったら「A-RA-SHI」(1stシングル)。
Ninomiya: Yep......I've never thought about it (laughs). Truth is, I don't take interest in myself. When I'm forced to say what my favorite is it would be "A-RA-SHI" (1st single).
What's the best thing about that debut song?
二宮 この曲がなかったら、今の僕らはありませんからね。
Ninomiya: If it weren't for this song we wouldn't be here right now.
Ninomiya-kun is being referred to as part of the acting group, but what about acting itself?
二宮 いや~、周りの人たらが言ってるだけで、い自分の演技がとうこうっていうことは客観的にはみることができないんですよ。共演者の方々に助けられているんでしょうね(笑)。ただ、作品のクオリティの高さで心に残っているものはありますね。「流星の絆」(TBS系)「STAND UP!!」(同系)とか。
Ninomiya: No~If that's what the people around are saying, but I can't see the objective in mentioning my tendency towards acting. My co-stars, they're helping me you know (laughs). Only, there is something that remains in the spirit with the height of the performance's quality. Like "Ryuusei no Kizuna" and "STAND UP!!" (both TBS group).
In particular what kind of point is it?
二宮 「STAND UP!!」「流星の絆」もそうなんだけど、作品のクオリティがとても高かった。それに同世代の俳優さんたちと演技をするっていう機会に恵まれたんですよね。僕が演じる役は大御所の先輩俳優さんたちとのからみが多かったから、それはそれは鮮験な体験で。
Ninomiya: That was so with "STAND UP!!" and "Ryuusei no Kizuna," but the quality of work was exceedingly costly. Moreover I was blessed with the opportunity to perform with actors of the same generation. Because of the relationships with senpai actors who are influential figures, my acting roles were an extremely brilliant personal experience.
In the case of plays, now you are in the middle of performing "Strangers on a Train" which is at a global position.
二宮 先輩方と共演できるのは貴重な経験だし、今回の舞台もとてもリラックスした気持ちで入ってますよ。
Ninomiya: Being able to co-star with those senpais is a precious experience, and even with the play this time I felt increadibly relaxed.
Plays are considerably difficult, but there has never been anything like anxiety, right?
二宮 ないですよね。不安を持って演技なんてしたら、観に来てくれる人たちに失礼じゃないですか。デビューの時から、そういう不安は特たないようにしてきました。それに、本当に僕も嵐も、一緒に仕事をする人たちに恵まれていると思っているので。
Ninomiya: None at all. When there is anxiety in things like when you're acting, isn't it as though you're showing discourtesy towards the people? From the time of debut, I made sure not to go with that sort of uneasiness. Besides, I think it's because Arashi and I, we have really been blessed with the people whom we work with.
I wonder if it's having luck as well.
二宮 うん。絶対に運がいい。スタッフや共演者の方々など、一緒に仕事をする人たちのめぐりあいに関しては、本当にいい人たちに会ってるし、支えられているなって思います。最近だとバラエティ番組も特に。
Ninomiya: Yeah. Absolute luck is is good. The staff and co-actors and so forth, when it comes to happening across the people to work with, it is truly pleasant meeting them, and I feel that they're supporting us.
As for variety show advances, was the one Arashi got a great step?
二宮 そう。バラエティには台本がないし、リハーサルもない。その中で自分の役割を果たしていくっていう一発勝負は他の仕事にはない魅力ですよ。僕は他のメバーがやちゃったことを片付ける役なんで、そこを即興でやるのが楽しい。バラエティなら、何本でもやりたいって思いますよ。
Ninomiya: It really is. In variety shows there're no scripts, and there are no rehearsals either. Their charm unlike any of our other jobs lies in that in the midst of everything, we have to carry out our roles in a game of make-or-break. My role is to straighten everything out when the other members do something, and the improvisation with which I do that is fun. When it comes to variety shows, I think I want to perform them no matter how many.
Since starting your variety shows, people with the exception of fans, think that it's as though they've been acquainted with Arashi's closeness.
二宮 それは本当にありがたいです。「仲が悪い」って言われるグループはないだろうけど「仲が良い」って言われるのもないでしょ。それって嵐のカラーの一つだと思うし、助けられている部分もありますよね。
Ninomiya: I'd really like to thank them for that. Although there aren't any groups that are called "on bad terms", there aren't any other groups that are called "close". So it's one of Arashi's characteristics, and we are fortunate.


Scans are over HERE!
Credit and thanks to shokim! <3 <3 <3

2009, orisuta, extra, parts:2, discussion:of members, interview:solo, idol work

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