I have to finish this before the Kokuritsu concert hahaha. Again, this could contain errors so do check back once in a while for the edited version~
83年8月30日生まれ A型
Born 30August1983 Bloodtype A
「However if we take the present "Arashi," at the time of debut it was more of a "squall" (laughs)」*
What you told yourself after having entered Johnny's Jimusho!
Do your best! (laughs) I started when I was just about to participate in my first dance lessons, but it was fun. I was told, "Starting today, from here on it's good if you become popular," but because I was having fun I was asked, "Wouldn't it be good to do a bit more?" and I'd say, "Alright," and because of that I was left doing it. If I kept going back to that point, I might not be here right now. For one reason or another, that's how it felt.
Please inform us of your own special turning point when it comes to activities now!
Because even now work in general has piled up I have a lot of turning points, but if anything, I guess it would be "Hana Dan." The feeling of making this type of production, or rather, the feeling when I took part in it was different. I think it's because I did it many times over, and though it's been difficult since part 1, the staff, I got a lot of encouragement from the Hana Dan team.
At the time that Arashi debuted, the group name was given because it meant that you "will create a storm in the world of show business and the entire world," but at that time what did you think about it?
松本 まぁ、でも今思えば、嵐とか台風とかじゃなくて。"通り雨"だったよね(笑)。でも嵐を結成できたときは、素直にうれしかったよ。日本の音楽シーンでHIP-HOPが盛り上がってきてたときで、デビュー曲の「A-RA-SHI」も新鮮だったし。
Matsumoto: Well, but now if I think back on it, it wasn't like a storm or a typhoon. It was just a "shower" (laughs). But when Arashi was formed, I was honestly very happy. Because HIP-HOP had risen in the Japan music scene, even the debut song "A-RA-SHI" was fresh.
The character of Matsujun, Matsumoto-kun, in those days the impression of you was more of "the deceiving character" and "the comic leader." With that, if it were either and you changed into the one in charge of tsukkomi, since around when did that happen?
松本 徐々にだと思うけどねぇ。"どこでどう変わった"っていうのはあんまりない。本当にひとつひとつの活動の積み重ねだから。今は、この立ち位置が自然なスタンスだし。昔も今の自分も、どっちも自分の中にあるものだしね。"ここの立ち位置がしっくりくる"と考える前に、みんな自然にそうしてるんだよ。そこも日々磨かれてきた長年のバランス感覚というか。家族よりも誰よりも会っている人たちだからね。
Matsumoto: But I think it was gradual, wasn't it? I can't really say "how much I've changed." It's because the activities have really accumulated one-by-one. At present, this position I'm in is the natural one. The me then and now, I have qualities of both. Before I think, "This position I'm in has come nicely," everyone is naturally doing the same. I guess I should say that for many years the sense of balance came to improve everyday. It's because they are the people that I see/ meet more than I meet my family or anybody else.
Is there a time that you had trouble as Arashi?
松本 それは、なくはないよ。でも今、こうしてやってるからね。それがすべてなんじゃないかな。多少なりとも悩んだとしても、この5人でやってきたわけだし、だからこそ、5人でいると年々楽しくなってきてるしね(笑)。やっぱり苦楽を共にしてきたから、っていうのはあるんじゃない?俺が印象に残ってるのは、02年の「ARASHI SUMMER 2002 "HERE WE GO!"」ツアーのときに話し合ったことかな。それ以外でも、昔から自分たちの活動については、話し合ってたけど。
Matsumoto: About that, it's not that there's none. Because even now, it's been that way ever since. I think that it's what makes it whole. Somehow even if there's trouble, it will be because of what the 5 of us have done, and for this reason, year after year it becomes more fun to be with all 5 of us around (laughs). It's definitely since we've come to share the joys and the sorrows, there's nothing to pinpoint, right? The impression that remains with me, I guess it was when we talked together at the time of the 2002 "Arashi Summer 2002 HERE WE GO!" tour. Even if it's an exception, we discussed about our former activities.
Is there someone who goes against orders?
松本 うん、最初は誰かが「話そうよ」って言わないと集まらなかった。俺と翔くんが先に少し話してて、俺がライヴ以外で直接「みんな、集まってよ」とかっていうのはないから、大体、翔くんが声をかけてたな。結果的に、そういう時間がその時期にどう活きたかはわからないけど、話していたことが"今に繋がってるのかな"とは思う。それぞれの役割はケースバイケースで、5人がいる場所でお題を出されたときに、それぞれがどう動くかっていうね。基本的なフォーメーションをがっちゃり固めてない。そういう柔軟なところがいいんじゃない?その柔軟性も、どの仕事でっていうんじゃなくて、徐々にそうなっていったんだよね。
Matsumoto: Yeah, in the beginning if someone didn't say "something in this way" we didn't assemble. Sho-kun and I were speaking a bit before, and because I wasn't the one to directly say things like, "Everyone, let's gather," except in live performances, substantially, Sho-kun was the one who called out to everyone. About the results, I don't know what was the lifestyle we had in that sort of time, but in talking about it I think, "I guess even now we are tied together." Because every role is case-by-case, when the 5 of us are placed in the position of a certain title, each of our own ways shifts accordingly. The basic formation isn't very rigid. Isn't that sort of flexible quality good? That compatibility as well, no matter which job it is, it will go on to steadily be that way.
You have been participating in the organization of concerts since before, but what comes to mind when you're trying to look back?
松本 これまで、結構、無理難題を言ってたこともあったと思うんだよ。メンバーに対しても、スタッフに対しても。「どうしてもやりたい」って言ったりして、それを許容してくれたのはあいがたかったし、だからこそ、今があるのかなって。逆に、そのときメンバーはどう思っていたんだろう?っていうのが気になるんだけど(笑)。俺は自分の頭の中で考えてるから動けるけど、他のメンバーは俺のイメージを形にするのって、難しいと思うんだよね。なのに、ギリギリになって「これやめよう」ってバッサバサ切ったりしたこともあったし、一切、妥協しなかったから。
Matsumoto: So far, tolerably, I think I had mentioned an unreasonable demand. It was in regard to the members and the staff. I said things like, "I want to do it no matter what," and I was grateful to have been given permission. For that reason it's now something I have to bear. On the contrary, I wonder what the members came to think of it at that time? But I said what's on my mind (laughs). Because I act according to what I'm thinking about in my head, I think it's difficult living up to the image that the other members have of me. Despite that, at the last moment when thoughts become, "I think I'll quit this," I completely cut them off, and it's because I can't compromise everything.
Again Matsujun as an actor, a lot of opinions have been collected and they contained interest in Arashi especially since "Hana Yori Dango" (TBS group).
松本 俺がよく聞くのは、"花男"で興味を持って嵐のコンサートに来たけど、「大野くんを好きになった」「相葉くんの笑顔がよっかった」っていう(笑)。
Matsumoto: I often hear things like, they're interested in "Hana Dan" so they went to Arashi's concert, but they're also saying, "I've come to like Ohno-kun," "Thank goodness for Aiba-kun's smile" (laughs).
That happens? (laughs)
松本 いいんじゃない?(笑)。松本 潤が演じているキャラクターとして好きになったりするんだろうけど、俺とそのキャラクターは違うからね。だから俺個人を観たときに、俺じゃなくて他のメンバーにいくっていうのは......まぁ、よくないな(笑)。でも嵐を好きになってもらえたってことは、結果としてはいいのか?
Matsumoto: Isn't it great? (laughs) I guess they've come to like the Matsumoto Jun as the character that he plays, but I'm different from that character. That's why when I'm seen as an individual, say if it's not the me who goes with the other members......Well, that doesn't happen much (laughs). But if Arashi is being liked, isn't it a good result?
It's like one win, one defeat (laughs). Moreover if there is an interest in Arashi once, from that it would mean a lot of the people weren't able to go, and that's why venues as big as the Kokuritsu Kasumigaoka Hill Grounds were chosen. Don't you agree that now in name and in reality, what "Arashi" means is the same?
松本 うん、まぁ、嵐って言っていいんじゃないかな。今が"嵐"だとしたら、デビュー当時は"スコール"みたいなもんだったけどね(笑)。いつか大きな場所でやりたいって考えたことはあったけど、10年後それができてるグループになってるとは思ってなかった。それができるようになってるっていうのは、やっぱり成長したんだなぁと思います。
Matsumoto: Yes, well, I guess it's alright to say that about Arashi. However if we take the present "storm," at the time of debut it was more of a "squall" (laughs). There were thoughts about wanting to perform at a great venue someday, but that was planned 10 years later when the group was ready for it. As for that which can be said has become possible, I think it's definitely when we matured.
* Squall means "sudden violent brief storm"
Credit and thanks to shokim! <3 <3 <3