From reading various LJ posts since my return, I get the impression that all of the "seattle people" I knew have returned to being "montana people". For reasons I am unable to articulate this bothers me deeply.
Also, last night I finished construction of my first
theremin. It works, but could use some tweaking. Playing it however, is damn
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Comments 10
And Chrissy Chris is still in Oly.
And Beau is still in the North End.
oh, and how's the film coming along?
By the way, shouldn't you be a paralegal these days?
Even while in Seattle, I was not ever quite a Seattle person. You can take the girl out of Montana, blah blah blah. Maybe Seattle is not the place for me to be, I never got that "home" feeling there. Barb is still trying to get me to Chicago before I die. This might happen.
With regard to the "Seattleness" of any given person, what I do find most odd is that I never met the "Montana people" while living in Montana. I met them all in Seattle. The exception to this is you. I did actually meet you in Missoula, unlike any of the others.
There is a vicious rumor that I may have met Joel in Missoula too. But, given that I have no memory of this and Joel is difficult if not impossible to forget, I don't believe a word of it.
As for the Chicago thing. Go. Go as soon as possible. Go before a tornado or something destroys it and anything about it you may come to enjoy or hold dear.
And as for the long long winded reply this has become. Deal with it. *grin*
Did you make it from a kit?
I looooooooooooooooooooooove theremins! They are almost as cool as puppies.
Yes, I did build it from a kit. It's a Paia Theremax. The kit I bought was the way basic one that didn't come with anything but the main circuit.
The only hard part about playing is holding still, as your body is part of the circuit while you play. But, I seem to be learning fast. Tuning is the biggest bitch though. Oscilator drift causes the null points of the field to shift, sometimes *while* playing.
A metric assload of folks have written all about different mods to the theremax to improve proformance... a solderin' I will go!
I'd blame it on Bush, too, but I already blame him for a lot of other things so I'd thought I go easy on him this time.
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