Driving Dr. Cooper
trippy41 Rating PG
Word Count: 1, 015
Author's Note: Sequel to "By The Numbers"
Author's Note 2: They aren't mine, yadda yadda. I just play with them!
Author's Note 3: Spoilers for all aired, up to and including Season Four.
*knock knock knock* Sheldon!
*knock knock knock* Sheldon!
*knock knock knock* Sheldon!
Penny knew Sheldon was in 4A alone, as she'd peeked through her door earlier to see Howard, Raj and Leonard, resplendant in their 'pick up women' garb of too bright colours and too much hair gel, on their way out to some bar to hoist themselves on the unsuspecting female poplace. Knocking the door in his pattern served no purpose, except to rile him up a bit.
Sheldon opened the door, tilted his head with a small indolent smirk on his lips, "While I appreciate you knocking before entering our apartment as you generally do, there's no need to mock me."
Penny grinned, "I wasn't mocking you, Sheldon. Teasing perhaps, but not mocking!"
Sheldon moved from the doorway and nodded for her to enter, which she did. She took a quick look around to see what she was interrupting, but saw that Sheldon had his Second Series "Dr. Who" DVD's out, and The Doctor and Rose were currently paused on his televison screen. Glad she wasn't interrupting his work, she plopped down in 'her spot' on the middle cushion, ready to immerse her self with the Tenth and Rose. Sheldon sat down beside her with a sigh. He turned off the DVD player and televison.
"Hey," Penny began, "weren't you watching that?"
Sheldon put the DVDs away, "I was only watching as a distraction, as I was getting stuck on my theorem," He gestured, jerking a thumb at his whiteboard, "but you'll be just as good a distraction as any," Sheldon smirked.
"Gee, uh, thanks?" Penny wrinkled her nose at Sheldon, who again sat beside her.
"So Penny, what is new with you?" Sheldon hated idle chit chat, but he was willing to give it a try for Penny.
Penny giggled, "Not much, though I actually did come here for a purpose."
"Which is-?" Sheldon's interest was piqued despite himself.
"You are turning thirty in six weeks--" Penny started, with Sheldon interrupting her.
"Thanks for the update," Sheldon said tightly.
"Sarcasm Sheldon? Really?" Penny noted with mock surprise. Sheldon was geting the hang, slowly, of sarcasm.
Sheldon sighed, "I don't need reminding that I will be thirty soon." He cast his eyes down, to his folded hands on his lap.
"I know it's an important milestone," Penny bent to look try and look Sheldon in the eye, "but you don't seem very happy about it--why?"
Penny moved back slightly as Sheldon shot his eyes up, and said with only barely contained anger, "I haven't accomplished anything I set out to do! I-I--" Sheldon's anger deflated, "I won't be special anymore."
"Oh sweetie," Penny put a hand on his shoulder, to soothe him a little, "of course you will be."
"No, I won't," Sheldon said sadly, "even if I won the Nobel tomorrow, I wouldn't be the youngest."
"Sheldon, being the youngest isn't the only thing about your accomplishements," Penny was rubbing his shoulder a little, "I mean, look at what you've done already! Leonard told me that one of your articles is required reading at quite a few universities, and I even looked up your published thesis book in the library," Penny grinned, "I couldn't even understand the title, but there you were!" Penny moved her hand from his shoulder, and placed it under his chin to force him to look at her, "I know that whole "child prodigy" thing was really important to you-part of who you are. But how many child prodigies grow up to be half as accomplished as you? Hmmm?" She chuffed his chin, "You know we tease you sometimes, but we also all know how freakin' brilliant you are."
Sheldon took her hand from his chin and squeezed it a little with his own, "Thank you Penny." he said quietly,"I'm sorry I got mad-it's this," He pointed to his whiteboard, "I feel I'm close to something, but I'm stuck--so stuck I don't even have an idea how to, well, un-stick." Sheldon looked down-he was still holding Penny's hand-so he let go, "I'm just frustrated."
"Well then, I have just the thing to distract you-my idea for your birthday present!" Penny said in her most cheery voice, "it's menial enough to let your higher brain thingies function, but totally serves a purpose too-not just working at the Cheesecake Factory!'
"Higher "brain thingies?" Really, Penny--" Sheldon began to lecture, but Penny interrupted.
"I am," Penny began, "going to teach you, Sheldon Cooper, how to drive--that in six weeks, by your birthday, you will have your driver's license!"
"Oh Penny, Penny, Penny," Sheldon nearly 'tutted' as well, "We've been through this before with Wolowitz's program," Sheldon had to admit, at least to Penny, "I was terrible at it--I ran into a pet store!"
Penny laughed, "Yes, so no computer programs. You did drive me to the hospital and back without incident," Penny paused, "-Oh, um, almost without incident." She blushed.
"Oh yes," Sheldon pounced, "let's not forget court, jail, and a fine with points on my yet non-existent driver's license!"
"Ok, ok," Penny admitted, "not a great start, but I was in pain and high on drugs!" Penny started again, "But, now, I know a very quiet area to practice, that is practically deserted by eight pm every night-perfect for driving lessons!"
Sheldon stared at her, "You want me to learn to drive at night?"
"Yes, it's the perfect time," Penny answered, "no traffic."
Sheldon considered a moment. "This is my birthday present, correct?"
"Yes--I promise to be very patient, if you promise to not be condescending." Penny threw the last bit in for her own sanity.
Sheldon considered another moment. "I will agree to the terms on one conditon," Sheldon turned to Penny and said, "if I drive at night, then you need to drive me during the day--anywhere I need to go, for the duration of the six weeks."
Penny thought, oh, I'm going to regret this, but it really was his birthday present after all, "Deal, but no contract!"
"Hmmm, shall we shake on it then?" Sheldon held out his hand.
"I'll do you one better," Penny reached up and kissed him on his cheek, "sealed with a kiss is way more binding," Penny laughed, and bounced up of the couch towards the door. "Lesson one begins tomorrow night-eight pm sharp!" And with a wave, she was gone.
Sheldon wondered if this was really a good present or not, but before long, he didn't think about tomorrow evening at all, and went back to his whiteboard.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine