My eight day stretch at work is finally over! I'm really tired, because well eight days at work, and also because I managed to catch a cold somewhere along the way. But on the bright side, working during Easter means lots of money
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I've had a mild but annoying migraine for almost a week now. It does go away when I take my (ridiculously expensive) medicines, but then it comes right back again after a few hours. So yeah, I've had enough now. Migraine, go away
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I got my Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog DVD today. It’s absolutely fantastic! You know how sometimes you buy a DVD of something you’ve already seen because you really want the extras, but then when you watch it, it turns out that the extras really suck and it’s all a huge disappointment. Well, Dr. Horrible is so not like that. The extras rock!
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We finished my game yesterday. After three years of planning and plotting and playing, we finally got to the end. It was ridiculously epic, and everybody seemed satisfied with both the ending and the game in general. I'm all giddy about it
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I'm defrosting my freezer and there are chunks of ice falling down and water dripping. Saya has decided that this must be guarded very carefully. I don't think she's taken her eyes off the freezer since the dripping started.
I just said no to the cutest apartment ever. It was in a wooden house and it had two floors, a small room upstairs and kitchen and bathroom downstairs. There were small cupboards here and there built into the walls. And it had two fire places! It was very rustic and pretty
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