Title: Haunting Author: VampireMadonna Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG-13 Length: Undetermined Summary: A tragic end leads to a new beginning... A/N: To make up for the fact that the chapter was so short :)
Title: Save Me Author: VampireMadonna Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG-13 Length: Undetermined Summary: Kim Jaejoong is on the run from his crazed ex-husband and Lieutenant Jung Yunho is the only one standing between him and an uncertain fate. Will Yunho be his savior...or will his rescue come too late?
Title: Save Me Author: VampireMadonna Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG-13 Length: Undetermined Summary: Kim Jaejoong is on the run from his crazed ex-husband and Lieutenant Jung Yunho is the only one standing between him and an uncertain fate. Will Yunho be his savior...or will his rescue come too late?
Title: Save Me Author: VampireMadonna Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG-13 Length: Undetermined Summary: Kim Jaejoong is on the run from his crazed ex-husband and Lieutenant Jung Yunho is the only one standing between him and an uncertain fate. Will Yunho be his savior...or will his rescue come too late?
Title: Save Me Author: VampireMadonna Pairing: YunJae Rating: PG-13 Length: Undetermined Summary: Kim Jaejoong is on the run from his crazed ex-husband and Lieutenant Jung Yunho is the only one standing between him and an uncertain fate. Will Yunho be his savior...or will his rescue come too late?