ana wrote in
Oct 29, 2004 16:16
did anyone tape it somehow so i can watch it or listen to it again?
there was so much info in it it was hard to process it all in one listen :)
bettyray wrote in
Oct 29, 2004 16:20
i've just returned to work, after attending dr. senft's excellent performance, and am sorry everyone here missed out on the champagne afterwards. yay terri! i am all smiles.
rubylou wrote in
Oct 29, 2004 12:27
I lost the connection there at the end, and it keeps timing out.
Excellent stuff before then. Woo!
scottbateman wrote in
Oct 29, 2004 12:19
Her 9/11 material is really quite strong. Wow!
Only ten minutes to go till she's DOCTOR Jane Doe! Wheeha!!!
saveyoursanity wrote in
Oct 29, 2004 11:56
Is anyone else wondering whether Terri's talking about them occasionally? And feeling kind of proud that you influenced such a great piece of work?
(i.e. I was like "Yay! She encouraged me to censor myself and this is what she's talking about now! Maybe she is talking about our interaction!")
tyrsalvia wrote in
Oct 29, 2004 11:49
I don't know where I found your journal, but I am so grateful that I did. I'm a begining communications student, and I have learned about so much from reading your posts. Thank you for being here. I've really enjoyed reading both your thesis and about your thesis process in general, and I wish you the best of luck in your defense!