Title: Shattered Author: Avadrea Prompt: Pieces Rating: A Warnings: None (not 100% happy with this piece) Genre: Romance Word Count: 476 Summary: Kagome has a habit of breaking things.
Title: One Day, Already Passing Author: Avadrea Prompt: Lost Rating: A Warnings: None Genre: Romance Word Count: 465 Summary: Sesshoumaru tries to retrace the steps that lead him to this
Title: A Case of the Crazies Author: Yuule Prompt: 007 Wild Rating: Everyone Genre: Introspective? Gen. Kagome-centric. Word Count: 409 Summary: She was lost and crazy.
Title: Morning Light Author: Avadrea Prompt: Wild Rating: T Warnings: Implied Nudity and hinted sexual contact Genre: Romance Word Count: 276 According to Word Summary: Kagome wakes up after a wild night ( Morning Light )