Take the quiz.
Post your results.
redclover's hair color? black-ish brown ish yes
2) What is
plexiglas_eyes allergic to? i don't know..... fleas?
3) Is
t_fox_veratrix athletic? only when it comes to chasing her brother
4) Does
plexiglas_eyes go to your school? she used to...
5) Would
zeriawolf and
rock_jock look good together? welll, they're both a-sexual beings....
6) What flavor of jello would
sawfmonkey be? GREEN CHIT!
7) What do you disagree with
ocean_fever_fae about? alot of things, all of them involving men.
redclover's eye color? Brown
9) Is
disagreeables introverted or extroverted? yes
10) Thoughts on
ocean_fever_fae? a wonderful person.... when i can find her
11) What is
livingcipher's favorite food? Phil?
12) Does
liquidhands know
siryumyum? no... (Thank God!)
13) What animal should
talthosdurrikan be combined with? Tucan Sam
14) Has
redclover been to your house/dorm? not that i remember...
15) How would
littleanipeters conquer the world? through a waffle house
16) Would
blue_dusk be a better ninja or pirate? he'd be bad at both.... a secret government agent.... 00ps!
17) Does
faerie_childe have a dog? i don't think so...
18) What do you agree with
t_fox_veratrix about? that we haven't seen each other in a very long time.
19) What would
serifean give
feuer47 for his/her birthday? a new Rifts book....
20) One quality you find attractive in
livingcipher? DANGER DANGER.... we've been through that door before.
21) Are
silent_psyren and
rainiedaewomyn going steady? welll, they were roomies at one point.... (wink wink)
22) Where did you first meet
livingcipher? HS
23) If
plexiglas_eyes commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? BURNERS!
24) What would you do if
faerie_childe died? cry.
25) If
blue_dusk took over the world, who would be happy? he would.... up to the point i de throaned him.