Nov 03, 2008 10:20


I’m sure a lot of you have noticed the lack of YamaJima fanwork around recently. Which really sucks, especially since they seem to be appearing more in magazines and shows lately. And because the world could always use more YamaJima fanfiction/art, the yamajima community is hosting a YamaJima-Thon!

With the help of my lovely lj friends, we’ve created a small list of prompts under the cut. Prompts will be bolded when they have been fulfilled, but don’t worry if someone got to the one you wanted to do first! No one will complain about multiple fics for one prompt ;)

It’s up to you how you handle the prompt. You can interpret it however you wish, and you DON’T have to stick to the number five; feel free to write more or less. Any type of fanwork is loved, from fanfiction to fanart. It can be any rating and any genre, and it can range from YamaJima friendship to YamaJima love. But YamaJima must be the main pairing and the center of it, obviously!

5 times Yuto and Yamada kissed.
5 times Yuto and Yamada kissed beneath the stars.
5 times Yuto chose Yamada over Chinen.
5 times Yuto went to play over at Yamada’s house.
5 times Yuto was jealous of Chinen.
5 times Yamada dragged Yuto somewhere.
5 times Yuto and Yamada cosplayed.
5 times Yuto and Yamada went to the beach.
5 times Yuto missed Yamada.
5 times Yamada missed Yuto.
5 times Yuto and Yamada had a photo-shoot for just the two of them.
5 times Yuto thought Yamada was sexy.
5 times Yamada thought Yuto was hot.
5 times Yuto slept over at Yamada’s house + 1 time Yamada slept over at Yuto’s.
5 times Yuto and Yamada went out of Japan.
5 times Yuto and Yamada got into a fight + 1 time they made up.
5 times Yuto and Yamada were compared to Akanishi and Kamenashi.
5 times Yuto and Yamada were compared to Tackey & Tsubasa.
5 times Yamada chose strawberries over Yuto + 1 time he didn’t.
5 times Yuto and Yamada went on a date.
5 times Yamada made Yuto buy something for him.
5 times Yuto called Yamada a pig.
5 fics Yuto wrote about Yamajima
5 secrets Yuto and Yamada kept from each other.
5 words Yamada never really tells Yuto.
5 times Yuto was kind of sort of jealous of Nakajima Kento but didn’t really want to admit it. (*Nakajima Kento= junior from SC and Scrap Teacher that fanboys Yamada.)
5 times Yuto treated Yamada to a snack.
5 times Yuto treated Yamada as a snack.
5 dramas Yamajima never starred in.
5 people that never got in the way of Yamajima.
5 phone calls Yamada never made.
5 texts Yuto never sent.
5 lies Yamada told Yuto.
5 people Yamada never envied.
5 times Ryutaro got caught in the middle of one of their lovers quarrels.
5 times Yuto and Yamada were alone.
5 times Yamada was jealous of Arijima + 1 time Yuto gave him a reason not to be.
5 times Yuto was jealous of Takayama + 1 time Yamada gave him a reason not to be.
5 times Yamada and Yuto went shopping.
5 times Yuto failed at giving Yamada a present + 1 time he didn’t.
5 times Yamada and Yuto walked home together + 1 time Yamada arrived too late.
5 times Yuto and Yamada shared an umbrella.
5 things Yuto never thought.
5 dreams Yamada never had.
5 times Yuto invited himself over to Yamada’s house + 1 time Yamada actually invited him.
5 first meetings they could have had.
5 ways life would have been different if Yuto had never met Yamada through Johnny’s.
5 songs they sang together.
5 days where they refused to speak to each other.
5 times Yuto distracted Yamada from his homework + 1 time Yamada didn’t mind.
5 times Yamada called Yuto first.
5 times Yuto was too dense to notice Yamada’s attempts at flirting + the one time he wasn’t.
5 times Yuto and Yamada felt awkward around each other.
5 times Yuto purposefully initiated fanservice.
5 things BEST did to get Yuto and Yamada together.
5 things Yuto didn’t want to admit.
5 times Yamada said they were JUST friends + the one time he couldn’t.
5 days Yuto and Yamada spent together.
5 Valentines Days they never had.
5 anonymous love letters Yuto sent Yamada + one letter that Yamada knew who it was from.
5 pictures the paparazzi never took.
5 kisses Yuto stole + 1 kiss Yamada gave.
5 times the rest of HSJ caught YamaJima kissing + one time they wanted YamaJima to kiss.
5 first kisses.
5 times Yamada snuck into Yuto's bedroom.
5 times Yamada and Yuto discussed Yamajima.
5 times Yuto and Yamada went on vacation.
5 times Yamada helped Yuto with his homework + 1 time the assignment had to do with sexual health.
5 times Yuto and Yamada 'experimented.'
5 times Yamada called Yuto 'Cherrii'
5 times Yuto called Yamada 'Shadow boy.'
5 times Yamada subtly flirted with Yuto and threw out innuendo's on television.
5 times Chinen liked to insert himself into Yamajima + 1 time Yamajima told him to bugger off.
5 times Yamada and Yuto shared an hotel room + 1 time TakaBu walked in on them.
5 times it was Yamada who actually fussed over Yuto.
5 times Yamajima fluff took place during Scrap Teacher filming + 1 time Daichii tried to beat them (and failed).
5 methods Yamada came up with to be able to kiss Yuto without standing on his toes.
5 times Yamada played pranks on Yuto.
5 times Yuto watched Yamada practice his solo dance + 1 time it caused a nosebleed.
5 times Yamada tripped in front of Yuto + 1 time Yuto caught him.
5 times Yuto was hyper and Yamada silenced him with a kiss.
5 times Yamada accidentally hit Yuto + 1 time it was intentional.
5 times Yuto asked Yamada for a piggyback ride.
5 times Yamada and Yuto fought over a video game.
5 times Yuto gave Yamada a 'yoshi yoshi'.
5 nicknames Yuto gave Yamada
5 people Yuto never loved more than Yamada
4 signals Yuto gave Yamada and the 1 time Yamada got what he meant
5 times Yamada was taller than Yuto
how to confess to Yamada in 5 easy steps
how to break up with Yuto in 5 easy steps
5 times Yamada was a little bitch and Yuto didn't really mind
5 times Yamada looked up to Yuto
5 things Yuto sends Yamada accidentally on purpose
5 times Yuto tried to molest Yamada in his sleep + 1 time Yamada was actually awake.
5 breakups they almost had.
5 firsts
5 times they fought over who was submissive.
5 things/people that ruined the mood when Yuto and Yamada were trying to be intimate.
5 Yutoisms Yamada hates to admit he loves
5 Yamadaisms Yuto is weak against
5 times Yamada apologized
5 times Yuto tried not to cry
5 times Yamada felt lonely + 1 time he didn't
5 ways to make up
5 fights
5 hugs
5 looks that Yuto never saw
5 ways to keep Yamada in love

If you have an idea for a prompt that you think should be written, please comment to add it to the list! Hopefully more will keep getting added to the list, so check back often :D

5 times Yamada made Yuto buy something for him by kinomoto_narika
5 times Yamada accidentally hit Yuto + 1 time it was intentional by akira_amie_yuki
5 first meetings they could have had by thixophobia
5 times Yuto and Yamada kissed under the stars by mustenentwined3
5 words Yamada never really tells Yuto by pyro_o
5 times Yuto watched Yamada practice his solo dance + 1 time it caused a nosebleed by hsj_jumpstart
5 secrets Yuto and Yamada kept from each other by pryo_o
5 times Yuto and Yamada shared an umbrella by sapphireflame29
5 times Yuto was kind of jealous of Nakajima Kento + 1 time he realized he didn't need to be by yryosuii
5 lies Yamada told Yuto by lrigelbbub
How to confess to Yamada in 5 easy steps by sapphireflame29
How to break up with Yuto in 5 easy steps by pryo_o
5 hugs by sapphireflame29
5 times Yamajima occurred during Scrap Teacher filming + 1 time Daichii tried to beat them and failed by aeri_s
4 times Yamada said they were JUST friends + 1 time he couldn't by aeri_s
5 methods Yamada came up with to be able to kiss Yuto without standing on his toes by thalia03
5 phone calls Yamada never made by pryo_o
5 times Yuto and Yamada went to the beach by kinomoto_narika
4 songs Yamajima sang together by mustenentwined3
5 fics Yuto wrote about Yamajima by aeri_s
5 times Yamada snuck into Yuto's bedroom by aeri_s
5 times Yuto missed Yamada by pyro_o
5 Yamadaisms Yuto is Weak Against by sapphireflame29
5 times Yuto and Yamada kissed by pyro_o
5 times Yamada missed Yuto by shadowsofcherry
5 times Yuto thought Yamada was sexy by thixophobia
5 times Yamada and Yuto discussed Yamajima by kinomoto_narika
5 text Yuto never sent by bushy_haired
5 breakups they almost had by pryo_o
5 dramas Yamajima never starred in by mandolin_minuet
5 times Yuto tried to molest Yamada in his sleep + 1 time Yamada was actually awake by thalia03
5 people/things that ruined the mood when Yamajima were trying to be 'intimate' by thalia03
4 pictures the paparazzi never took & one that Yabu took instead by mandolin_minuet
5 times Yamada was jealous of Arijima + 1 time Yuto gave him a reason not to be by onesidedsarcasm
5 times Yuto tried not to cry by pyro_o
5 times Yamada dragged Yuto somewhere by alsykt

So get to writing/drawing/whatever you do! When you’ve posted it, comment here so I can add it to the list :) You can post it in any community, of course, but you should at least try to post it in the community.

Don't let this perfect OTP die ♥ Tell all your friends and advertise!

mod post, yamajima-thon

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