Just made and uploaded the LRC lyric of Down Once More / Track Down This Murderer of Phantom of the Opera. Felt completely drained... H*ll, I feel like crying after listen to that track every time. And the making of LRC lyric requires one listens to the song again and again and again...
My paper is finished (Finally! Although it's ten thousand words more than it should be...). But no rest yet. Have to write ten thousand word worth stuff before 15th, if I want to join CCP, which I've wanted for ten years. And with pen and paper, no printed version for me. AmdoomedAmdoomed....
Haven't reclaimed the use of my nose yet, but did feel better. And have to go offline for one day or two to try to get my almost-forgotten thirty-thousand word paper done. You guys' writing is just too much a temptation for poor weak-minded me!