Last times with the Yarns
1. Scuba: [
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The flu is gone! Let the teen smustle party begin!
oh HAI Shaula with newly corrected alien eyes! *waves* You make great smustle faces!
Galaxy: Okay, I'll get it this time, I will!
Huckleberry: Yoodibah!
Galaxy: .... uh, what was I supposed to do again?!
The smustling party continues as all sorts of friends gather for the twins birthdays.
Woo hoo! Gather round!!
Scuba: Hooray! They've made it!
Huckleberry: *blows out candles*
I sent them out to buy new purple clothes right after the party. Doesn't Huckleberry look handsome?! *luvs*
They're both checkin' themselves out. You're awesome guys! *has self absorbed sims*
Wisteria tries her hand at the family trade - treasure hunting. She's not half bad.
Now that they're all grown up, it's time to choose an heir...
Huckleberry: Hmm, that looks like a good place! *finds good adventure location in newspaper*
and Huckleberry is not it.
Wisteria: Bye bye brother!
Scuba: Bye Huckleberry! Have many good adventures!
Huckleberry: *I hope she'll say yes when I ask!*
Huckleberry is off to find new adventures! Bye bye Huckleberry! Hopefully it won't be too long before Selah grows up too! I'll save her for you!
Wisteria now begins the challenge of finding a spouse.
She heads downtown, checks out a club and an art museum ... but doesn't find anyone particularly attractive or interesting.
We still take lots of baths (it's very important, you know).
So after a few days, she invites over a guy she knew as a teenager.
Wisteria Heeeeeey dude!
Chandler: *waves*
Wisteria So, have you heard the one about the flamingo?
Chandler: You know what? I have. I hate that one. *grumpy face*
Chandler: But did you know that the Llama's pitcher totally threw a no-hitter last night? It was so awesome!
Wisteria: Oh, really? That's so interesting!
Chandler: Yeah! And then their second baseman hit this wild grand slam right out of the park!
Wisteria: If I played baseball, I could totally do that too, I'm just that awesome.
Scuba: *hits water pipe*
Chandler: Actually? You're kind of hot. *has little crush on Wisteria*
Scuba: *supervises creepily*
Wisteria: Yeah, I love your red hair, red hair is just so cute!
Wisteria: Have you ever been in love before?
Chandler: Um ... no?
Wisteria: Well, this is how it's done. *kisses*
They then proceed to get all "romantic" like in Scuba's bedroom.
While Scuba and Rinnah stand there chatting.
No sense of privacy in this house! None!
Later ...
Then it's time for gettin' MARRIED!!!! CUE SMUSTLE DANCE PARTY!!!!
(does no one notice Wisteria set the stove on fire?!)
(oh, okay.)
Everyone knows having a kitchen fire before your kitchen wedding is the best way to go.
Wedding Spam -->
Wisteria: Huckleberry, so good to see you!
Huckleberry: Same to you!! Congratulations! Take good care of the house and the family, yeah?
It was a great party, even if the guests were stinky and they don't like the pottery I bought for Chandler.
After the party Scuba tried his hand at fixing the computer. It did not go well.
It went really really not well. I'm sorry Scuba!! I didn't mean for you to meet the Grim Reaper so soon!!!!!
Wisteria was trying to take a bath, but interrupted I told her to hurry her little butt over to try to save her father.
It was too late. I'll miss you Scuba! *cries*
Wisteria sat down to fix the computer her father tried to fix. And cried. Sorry darlin, perhaps if you weren't taking a bath you would have been able to save him. :(
Wisteria: *sobs* That doesn't help!!!
They decide to ... have some fun to cheer up.
And proceed to spend the next day walking around in their underwear.
Everyone, meet Chandler Yarn! He's a fortune sim who wants to be the "Hand of Poseidon" -- the top of the oceanography career track. He had to go buy some new purple clothes and get a new hair cut. Much better now :)
Wisteria: What do you think of the new wallpaper? I think the circles are a nice change from the linear style of the previous palm trees, don't you think?
Chandler: ... uh. It's nice dear. I do like that painting, very stylish.
Wisteria: It is, isn't it? I knew it was a good find.
Wisteria likes strong men, so she encourages Chandler to try yoga with her. He's a little timid with the poses though. I think he stayed like that the whole time!
Typical Wisteria things ... batman pajamas and making the bed.
Washing the bathtub.
And taking baths. (And yes, the bathroom is freshly remodeled! It used to be Scuba's blue bathroom, but it has been redone in preparation for the next generation -- whose color is black!)
And none to soon either!
Wisteria: Wow! Were did these clothes come from?! And this belly!?
In honor of her approaching motherhood, Wisteria decided to try a new hairstyle. She's back to her natural brown.
She tries meditating, as yoga is becoming more difficult to manage with her growing belly.
I think she makes great faces, but she still prefers yoga.
Wisteria: Oh look! It snowed!
Chandler & snow spam -->
Wisteria on telephone: I know, can you believe it?! I married a state assemblyman!
Chandler: *waits for Wisteria*
Wisteria: So what if there's a foot of snow? I don't need a coat or shoes -- it's HOT out here!
...whatever Wisteria. Just don't get frostbite, okay?
Wisteria: *groans* oooh .... aaaahhhh.... ooooohhhh!
Chandler (off camera): Ahh, I can't believe it's happening! *looks up at the sky*
Wisteria: ooh, I think it's almost here!!!!
Baby: Hellooooo! *squee*
Wisteria: *coos*
Me: ALIEN EYES!!! *SQUEE* I love you already little baby!!
Welcome to the family little Ebony Yarn :)
And welcome to the black generation, the babies who don't get what they want.
Wisteria: *makes bed*
Next time with the Yarns: Ebony grows up and is adorably grouchy, Chandler is hard to please, and there's another baby! (Or is there?!) Stay tuned!