Thank God for Empty Classrooms and Glen Campbell Author:
yassharrar Artist:
staticsintheair Beta: My Daughter Yasmin
Rating: NC17
Pairing: J2
Genre: J2 AU
Word count: 45,881 words
Summery: Relationships are never easy, but when one of you is a country superstar and the other is your best friend since high school, how do you go from that to partners in every sense of the word without falling apart and losing each other permanently.
Warnings: Bottom Jared, Lots of angst and I mean lots, Violence, POV switches between the boys.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jared or Jensen, just wish I did.
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Epilogue Art Note: I would like too thank my wonderful artist
staticsintheair who done a fantastic job with my art. I would also like to thank the mods at
spn_j2_bigbang for running this again.