I guess I'm off to mexico again. this time, though, it's for my last grandmother's funeral. Damnit, i hate having the rest of my family in another country. This will be the first one of their's that I'm able to go to. Back in a few days...
Went and saw Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros today. Damn, that was a good show. I have to admit though, even after all the shows I've gone to, I still can't seem to get used to all the overacting stage actors do. There were two great quotes in the play:
"Happiness is such an egotistical thing." and "We'll read books together! I'll become clever!"
okay, so either I'm using the wrong key locker, or somedumbfuck took the key to the darkroom and locked me out. HOW IN THE NAME OF FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO PRINT 20X24's WITHOUT A FUCKING LAB! damn, i hate being locked out
just got an email to have a couple of prints ready for hanging tomorrow at 5PM - of course, the negs are being annoying and i'm having trouble getting any decent prints and i have around 10 sheets left...argh!
Here's the first from my shoot a few months ago. Anyone guess the surprise I ignorantly missed while composing that's now really pissing me off about this image?
So Bambi's goin' on 'bout how she can make all my fantasies come true.
So I says "Even this one i have where Jesus Christ is jackhammering Mickey Mouse in the doodoo hole with a lawn dart as Garth Brooks gives birth to something resembling a cheddar cheese log with almonds on Santa Clause's tummy tum?"