After seeing Denethor and Faramir rush away, Alcawyn and Menelsul ride to Minas Tirith, hoping to find some answers. None had informed her of her father's death, but she would find out soon enough...
GRANDPA DENNY!!! Please don't kill my Mommy. ;_; It would make everyone very very sad, ESPECIALLY me. Please please please pleeeeeease don't kill my Mommy? Please? *bats eyelashes and sniffles a little*
I got a KITTEN!!! And some ARROWS!!! And... a thing... *examines the chastity belt and looks at Faramir, guesses this has something to do with that talk they had*...
Right. So. THANK YOU lurvly Maia/elf/person peoples. I'm going to go maim things now with my kitten (no, not using my kitten to slay things silly, they're much too
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I've heard rumors that this is the time of year when people give presents and things like that to their family members and friends and stuff. And since it's better to give than to receive, here's my list of stuff that I want people to give me. :)
* A rocket launcher. * A teddy bear. * A dagger. * Fuzzy slippers. * A new set of arrows. * Pretty
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Why is it that I seem to be some sort of freakin' psyco magnet? First him, then him, and now him. WHY OH WHY?!? MOMMY IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WI... Hey... You've got pretty eyes...