Title: Back of the House (part II) ( Part I is here) ( Part II is here) Author: Me Disclaimer: None. Cause, well, this is an original fic. Rating: NC17 Note: Back to Joe's POV. In which there is plot along with the smut.
This happens a few weeks after the last few posts.
Title: Back of the House (part II) ( Part I is here) Author: Me Disclaimer: None. Cause, well, this is an original fic. Rating: NC17 Note: So... This part is from Monkut's point of view, and it is mostly The Smut. There will be moar plot after this.
Title: Back of the House Author: Me Disclaimer: None. Cause, well, this is an original fic. Rating: PG13 Note: Ummmm...yeah. I wrote an original fic. This is the first of a few stories about the boys who work at Machismo's, an Italian-American restaurant in central Jersey
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Title: Another day of practice Starring: The Shitenhouji dance academy. Note: Remember ballet-verse? This is a tinyfic written in ballet-verse for Melly, who wanted more Baka pair.
Title: Some time after they turned 16... Rating: R Characters: Chiquita -- Chitose Senri/Tachibana Kippei. Guest starring Fudomine, Shitenhouji, and the Chitose family. Disclaimer: I don't own PoT Author's note: Written for Mel and Mandii, who inspired me with their Chiquita RPing.
Title: A lonely birthday Rating: R for a bit o' the smex Characters: Troika, data pair (cause k8 wanted it all !) Disclaimer: I don't own PoT Author's note: Happy birthday, miss kat8cha. ♥