The Marrigan Legacy 3.3 + Heir Poll

Jan 25, 2013 17:32

Previous Updates:

1.1: Looking for a Spouse
1.2: True Friends
2.1: Babies Galore
2.2: Life is Great
2.3: Always Kiss Me Goodnight
2.4: Dead to Me
2.5: Two of a Kind
2.6: The Bump of Life
3.1: Immature Violence
3.2: Love Never Dies

Spare Updates:

Spare #1: Lance's Family


Hi everyone! *Gasp* "Is this for real, THREE MARRIGAN UPDATES IN JUST TWO DAYS!?" Why yes, this isn't your imagination, silly! I'm doing so many updates so quickly because I'm really ready to move on with the generation three kids and just get on with it! I'm trying my hardest to fit in at least 2 updates every week, making it so that I'll be able to finish this Legacy hopefully by the time summer rolls around. The reason to this is-- I'm going to be getting a new laptop soon, and I won't be using this one forever. Yes, that means that once generation 10 is completed with the Marrigan's, I'll only be doing updates every other week. Don't let that discourage you! I'll make a new Legacy once I complete the Marrigan's. C:

On we go!


Tess when did you change into your formal wear??

Tessa: When I felt like it, now leave me alone. I'm ~in the zone.~

Cute little Isa-Marie tossing the ball... TO WHOM YOU'RE WONDERING!? We will find out.

It's cousin Courtney! If you're up to date with the Marrigan household, you'll know that Courney is Lance and Kay's beautiful daughter.

And she's terrible at catching the ball. They both are, actually.

The kids are all being completely adorable playing on the new playground. c:

Once again mommy Tess is no where to be seen, so Isa is dancing with Auntie Nim instead.

Wade is extremely proud of his garden and he thinks that Emmy would be proud.


Sure, go ahead. Invite yourself into my hot tub that's cool too.

The faces he makes... Oh I'm going to miss Wade the most when his time comes... Sadly, it doesn't look like he'll be around much longer. :'c

Uh, guys?

That doesn't look comfortable.


She better not be pregnant, you guys...

Doesn't this look all too familiar?

Isa-Marie: Star, buddy 'ol pal! Want to do me a favor? :D

Star: I'm done doing favors for you psychos.

Looks like the tree's on fire. Not like it matters or anything.

Edric: Dad, look! I'm getting straight A's!
Derrick: That's great, son.

Calder: Uncle Derrick, uncle Derrick! I'm getting straight A's!!!

Here's something you might be interested in knowing. Derrick has a higher relationship bar with Cal than he does his own son.

Nim: Guess who's been promoted to University Guest Lecturer!

You! Great job, Nim. Mom would be so proud...

Rare moment that was completely worth capturing. Tessa showing her child some affection, WOW.

Calder: Mom said we should spend some time together, so... *pew pew*
Isa-Marie: Ew gross, get away from me you turd.

Let's just take a look at this photo. Admire every single one of them's faces. Edric who is horrified, Derrick who isn't sure whether to laugh or not, and Calder who couldn't be more thrilled.

Calder Marrigan. TWO NICE POINTS.

Poor Nim is sobbing because her life couldn't possibly get any worse at the moment, and Tessa looks thrilled about Nim's sadness and also a bit stuck. Uh, Tess? Do you need some help dear?

Tessa: Fuck off.

Okay then, moving on.

Oh Cal. What are we going to do with you?

And this certainly doesn't help. If you grew up in violence, it's sure to be a part of your life! Can't you two grow up? For the sake of your kids...?

Isa pic spam b/c she's so ADORABLE. (She's jumping on a bed, btw).

I wish I could hug Nim... She's so distressed. *Virtual hug*. Sorry, BB. :(

Nim: Where is she!?!?

Tess, don't look so sick. You're the BIGGEST cause to such violence.

Wait, no! Go back to school! Nobody is here to watch youuuuuuu. :'C

I have a confession to make... I was forced to cheat. (JUST A LITTLE). I really didn't have a choice unless I wanted the kids to be taken away... Everyone was at work. :C I'M SUCH A FAILURE, I KNOW.

It really wasn't a big cheat-- at all. The boys were growing up this day at 6pm anyways, so it's not like I used motherlode or anything (stop judging me).

On the bright side, DAMN CAL LOOK ATCHU BAYBAY.

Aw, his sister and cousin even put on a fight just for him!



Hey, guess what!? It's six pm so it's automatically Edric's NATURAL turn to age into a teen!


Adorable quirky nerd transition mode: ACTIVATED.

The hell is with it whenever someone grows up, the check out their hands as if they've never been there before. I don't get it, seriously.


The damage has already been done, what's the difference waiting two more sim days for the girls to age up? LETS JUST HAVE ONE GIANT BIRTHDAY PARTY, WOO.

Isa-Marie: Bitch think's she can take the spotlight away from me...


Isa-Marie: Grrr...

Mary-Sue: :O WHAT do you think you're doing!?

Isa-Marie: I'm so beating your ass in the heir poll...

Uh... There are two other people you're competing against, Isa.

Again. *Sigh* ANYWHO, the time has some to VOTE FOR HEIR! WEEE! Okay, here are the generation three heir candidates... *Drumroll.*

Calder Marrigan:

■ Pleasure Sim
■ Aries - (5/9/6/3/2)
■ LTW - Become Celebrity Chef
■ + Females, Fitness, Makeup
■ - Charismatic


Edric Marrigan:

■ Romance Sim
■ Libra - (1/10/2/7/8)
■ LTW - Become Celebrity Chef
■ + Females, Fitness, Brown Hair
■ - Jewelry


Isa-Marie Marrigan:

■ Popularity Sim
■ Gemini - (5/7/8/7/4)
■ LTW - Become Rock God
■ + Females, Makeup, Mechanical
■ - Good Cook


Mary-Sue Marrigan:

■ Knowledge Sim
■ Aquarius - (4/4/4/10/6)
■ LTW - Become Hand of Poseidon
■ + Males, Black Hair, Unemployed
■ - Creativity


Good luck with voting! I've said this before and I'm going to say it again just because. I will not be doing double heirs this time around. I know, I know. It's just too challenging to be honest. I'm better on smaller families, and it just makes my game slow and laggy with lots of sims and household items. Please try to vote only once, and mix it up a bit! If it does come down to another tie, I'll just flip a coin. Sorry, guize. Maybe some time in the future!

Vote for generation three's heir right here (lol that sounded funny).

Also, I'm going to be doing a SUPER SHORT update on Lance's family right below. So feel free to keep reading!

~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~

Guess who rolled the want to "get abducted by aliens"?! THIS GUY.

How did that feel, Lance? Getting butt-raped by some creepy green people? Hm? Well at least your family's happy for you.

Courtney: HAHA, HA. That's so funny! Dad got tested on by aliens!

It's not funny, it's a serious crime thaT WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED.

See? Did you really want to get knocked up?? And now you're telling me you want to meet the aliens not once more, but FIVE more times!? You're insane and you're going on birth control after this alien demon child is born.

Guess who's garden was awesome enough for a wishing well +5,000 simoleons?! Lance's!! Gardening seems to run in the Marrigan family. I wonder if gen. 3's heir will share this enthusiasm with nature.

Clem, you're ~sparkling.~

Three adorable little puppies! The little black one is a female, Pepper, and the others are boys named Sammy and Tuttle.

Sadly this many animals is overwhelming the household. I decided to get rid of Sammy and Tuttle and keep Pepper. I also gave away Trouble *tear* because he wouldn't stop attacking Clementine and it was pissing me off.

Pop #2! (I was away while he popped for the first time).

I fast-forwarded a ton until it was time for Lance to give birth.

A little girl! She's got green skin, black hair and black eyes. I'm guessing that came from her father (????) and I named her Zahara. It means "flower" in some kind of language.

Also, Courtney grew up!

I decided to lean towards the "punk-alternative" style. I think it suits her, and nobody else had this style. So why not!?

Courtney rolled Romance, and she's straight. So I had her wish for ~romance~ in hopes of fulfilling her wants.

This is just... Wrong. On so many levels... Oh well, that's what I get for trying *sigh*.

And here's Zahara as a toddler! I can't determine whether I think she's adorable or just plain creepy. So i'll go with adorable, because she's got some nice eyes! (Her ears are fucking scary shit though, luckily I found hair that covered them).

That's all, now. The Lance update was only to catch you up quickly. I'm going to send Courtney to college with the main Marrigan kids when they go. Until next time, my fellow readers. AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! C:
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