This is Harry and he needs a home. He's about two years old and loves to play. He's affectionate and will sleep in your bed if you let him. He's fully vaccinated, neutered, and has been declawed in the front
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When you short a stock you sell a stock that you don't own. The broker borrows the stock from another client or from the brokerage and then sells it. The proceeds from the sale get held by the broker as collateral. If the stock price goes down the broker gives some of that collateral back to you. If the price goes up he demands more collateral. He
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After a ton of work getting the house ready I put it up for sale a bit over a week ago. Only two people visited it (other than drive-bys) but one made an offer that I accepted
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Let's see. I was down slightly at ring at party (still working off a deposit bonus). I lost a $20+2 (plus one $20 addon) tournament. I won a $15+1 S&G and lost a $15+1 S&G. That should just about put me even for the day
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