**A standard disclaimer applies to the writings contained herein. Everything recognisable does not belong to me and I am making no profit.**
Pirates of the Caribbean
Echoes: G; Davy Jones, Beckett; 99 words for the
potc_dogwatch prompt "tentacles."
Led Astray: G; Elizabeth; Jack/Elizabeth; Her prayers whispered to the wind had been led astray again...
Embrace: PG; Jack/Elizabeth; Ghosts of her past serenade her in the night, imprints of time that had slipped through her fingers...
Inch: PG; Jack/Elizabeth; 118 words for the
blackpearlsails prompt "inch." DMC/post DMC.
Change: PG; Jack/Elizabeth (squint required); 99 words for the
blackpearlsails prompt "I should have..."; Post AWE.
Adding Insult to Injury: PG; Pintel; 144 words for the
blackpearlsails prompt "rib;" CotBP.
Mythos: G; Norrington; Jack/Elizabeth; He shouldn't be so surprised by their affinity for one another...
Short ficlets written post-AWE
Nevermore: PG; Jack/Elizabeth; My first plunge into sparrabeth and fanfic alike, written pre-AWE.
Constellations: PG-13; Jack/Elizabeth; They had stopped on a small island just off the coast of nowhere in particular...
They All Go into the Dark: PG-13; Jack/Elizabeth; AU AWE battle scene aboard the Endevour.
The Still Point of the Turning World: PG; Jack/Elizabeth, Will/Elizabeth; Short Fountain of Youth fic that fits into my
Requiem verse.
Post-CotBP series as yet unnamed (WIP; indefinite hiatus)
Part I: Here, There, or Elsewhere: PG-13; Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth implied; Their misadventure with the priates has gone to her head, he thinks...
Post-AWE series as yet unnamed (WIP; indefinite hiatus)
Part I: Requiem: PG-13; Jack/Elizabeth; She stubbornly refuses his offer, tells him that she doesn't want to leave. She's not entirely sure why. Perhaps she believes that staying here would bring a miracle...
Part II: A Change in the Wind: PG; Jack/Elizabeth; Her skirts feel heavy against her legs, soaked and captured by the tide, and she wants to let the waves carry her away...
Harry Potter
Forgive: PG-13; Harry, Snape!Portrait; My first plunge into HP fic with a four part drabble series; He is not sure the feeling of guilt will ever go away, and he's not sure he even wants it to because forgetting is almost harder than remembering...
White Flag: PG-13; Draco/Hermione; 176 words, AU HBP battle scene.
Moments of Being: PG; Remus/Tonks; Remus doesn't think he is strong enough for this, wonders if he is really a coward...
Futile Devices: PG; Draco/Hermione; Twenty sentences for
20paperplanes colour theme.
Perspective: PG; Harry, Snape; Drabble set post-DH; They see an enemy even in death...
Living for Ghosts: PG-13; Severus/Lily; Twenty sentences for
20paperplanes occasion theme.
Stepping Stones: PG; Harry, Snape, Ron; 260 words, set in an AU DH universe, wherein Harry reaches not-quite-forgiveness; Snape does not die. There are days (many of them) when Harry selfishly wishes he would have...
Ache: PG-13; Sasuke/Sakura; "Go home, Sakura. Forget me. It will be easier that way..."
Kingdom Hearts
Defeat: PG; Cloud/Aerith implied; My first Kh drabble written for the
kh_drabble challenge 187 Strength.
One for All: PG; Terra, young!Riku, young!Sora, Ven, Aqua; super squint Terra/Aqua; Birth By Sleep speculation drabble written for the
kh_drabble challenge 194 Gift.
Dominance: PG; Riku; Fifty words for challenge 196 at
kh_drabble Translucence: G; Namine, Repliku; Second entry for challenge 196 at
Of Kings and Raindrops: PG; Riku; Written for challenge 206 at
kh_drabble. He was never able to control anything...
Imperfect: G; Olette; Written for
kh_drabble challenge 211 Apology; She closes her eyes, counts to ten, and hopes...
The Beginning: PG; Birth by Sleep speculation drabble for challenge 215 Begin at the End at
Exogenesis: PG; squint required Leon/Yuffie; Set during KHI; Leon wants to tell her that everything will be all right, but he knows better...
Keeper: G; Written for
kh_drabble challenge 291 Safekeeping; I have been called many things in my lifetime...
Forever in Dreams: PG-13; Axel/Kairi, implied Sora/Kairi; Set during KHII in between Axel's death and Kairi's escape from her cell; "Your goody two shoes is coming for you, you know," Axel says glancing at her...
Some Say The World Will End In Fire : PG-13 to soft R; Axel/Kairi; My first entry for
Black, White, Shades of Grey: PG; Namine, Riku, Axel, Roxas, Sora; Collection of four drabbles featuring Namine and the KH boys; Post CoM and pre KHII; Everything is light. Even the girl. With her blonde hair and white dress and porcelain skin...
Fatal Flaw : R for violence and gore; Axel/Kairi (much squinting required); Short battle scene set in an undetermined time in KHII; Kairi gasps and braces herself to run again, but Axel shakes his head. "Too late for that now, princess..."
Picking the Pieces Up : PG; Leon, Yuffie, Aerith, Cloud, Cid; slight Leon/Yuffie and Cloud/Aerith; Spans between KHI and KHII; For a while, everything seems strange. The way the sun never shines, the way Squall never smiles anymore...
Stars Fading: PG-13 to very soft R; Axel/Kairi; My second entry for
Nightlight: PG; Axel/Kairi; Written for my
7rainbowprompts table prompt "whispers in the night;" "I swear, princess, you're going to be the death of me..."
Of Snowy Afternoons: G; Leon/Yuffie; Snowy, Christmasy fluff written for the
kh_drabble secret Santa exchange; Chasing Yuffie around in the middle of a snow storm all afternoon was decidedly not what Leon had in mind when he left the house...
Stockholm Syndrome: PG to very soft R; Axel/Kairi; My third entry for
Ignite: PG-13 (with implied sexual references); Axel/Kairi; "You're afraid because you want this. Because you want me..."
Absolute Zero: G; Namine, Roxas, Xion, Sora, mentions of Terra, Aqua, Ven, Diz and Riku; *Birth by Sleep & Days spoilers* Winning entry at
kh_drabble for challenge 235 Duality!; Diz doesn't appreciate the gravity of what she is doing. Namine has seen what can happen when a person loses too many memories...
Gravitational Pull: G; Sora's mother, mentions of Sora, Riku, and Kairi; Entry for
kh_drabble challenge 254: expressions of love; Those first frantic days after the world was nearly ripped apart, she calls Sora’s name until her voice deserts her...
By Any Other Name: PG; Axel, Yuffie, Leon; mentions of Leon/Yuffie and Axel/Kairi; A silly birthday ficlet written for
iki_teru who requested an Axel and Yuffie fic; "Hey, Squall! Picture him in a suit with a ponytail. Who do you think of? Quickquickquick!"
Soul Eater
Phobia: R-ish for disturbing images; Soul, Maka; implied Soul/Maka; There are too many doors, too many passages. Too many places to look. You'll probably end up back here anyway; the conscious is a curious thing...
Doctor Who
Of Flamingos and Mickey Mouse: G; Ten/Rose; Written for the
then_theres_us ficathon for the prompt "Disney World;" "What's wrong with flamingos?" he asks defensively, "I love flamingos..."
Sparks: G; Remy Lebeau/Gambit, Jubilee; kindofsortofnotreally Gambit/Jubilee; My first very dialogue heavy and fluffy X-Men piece. "That's what you get for smoking, Cajun. I keep telling you it's bad for your health."
Writing Tables
7rainbowprompts Blue Set
Whispers In The Night2.
Sake Of Love3.
Once In A Blue Moon4. Overcompensation5.
Starry Nights6.
Welcome Home
Claim: Kingdom Hearts, General
Started: 5-29-09
Organisation XIII Table
I Xemnas II XigbarIII XaldinIV VexenV LexeausVI ZexionVII Saix
VIII Axel IX DemyxX LuxordXI Marluxia
XII Larxene XIII RoxasXIV Xion6/14
Started: 11-9-09
1sentence Claim: Kingdom Hearts, Axel/Kairi, Theme Set: Alpha:
Claim: Kingdom Hearts, Axel/Kairi, Theme Set: Beta:
Some Say The World Will End In Fire Claim: Kingdom Hearts, Axel/Kairi, Theme Set: Gamma:
Claim: Kingdom Hearts, Axel/Kairi, Theme Set: Delta:
Stockholm Syndrome Claim: Kingdom Hearts, Axel/Kairi, Theme Set: Epsilon:
Stars Fading 20paperplanes Claim: Harry Potter, Draco/Hermione, Colour Theme:
Futile Devices Claim: Harry Potter, Severus/Lily, Occasion Theme:
Living for Ghosts