Title: Mornin’ Rating: G Timeline: Post 513 Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program
Title: Beautiful Rating: PG-13 Timeline: Post-513 Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program
Title: Business Trips Suck, Especially When You’re Not With Me Rating: G Timeline: Post 513 Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program
Title: Can’t Imagine Rating: G Timeline: Post-513 Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program
Title: I Love You Rating: PG-13 Timeline: Post 513 Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program
Title: Forever Rating: G Timeline: Post 513 Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program
Title: It’s only a puppy, what harm could it do? Rating: PG-13 Timeline: Post 513 Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program
Title: A Father and Son Moment Rating: G Timeline: Season 2 Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program
Title: Desperate Rating: PG-13 Timeline: Season 1 Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program
Title: Perfect Little Wife Rating: G Timeline: Post 513 Word Count: 100 Disclaimer: Queer as folk is not mine and never will be :( unfortunately I didn't come up with the idea for this fantastic program