Title: Tie-Breaker Rating: PG Fandom: HIGNFY Spoilers: Spoilers for the episode of 4/5/05. Summary: It was left as a draw. This causes a few problems. Author's Notes: Written rather quickly. Originally for the challenge on 100gloves, but then it got too long.
House of Leaves. Wow. I must hugely thank my flist for brining this book to my attention. Even with the scariness and everything I am so very glad I read this book.
Title: Coming Home Rating: G Fandom: Neighbours Spoilers: Not really. Summary: Phil comes back at Christmas. Author's Notes: Written for e.com Secret Santa ficathon, for salsk. And I'm just ignoring what really happened in the Aus episodes around Xmas time this year.
Title: Hate Rating: G Spoilers: Nope Fandom: RPS: Have I Got News For You Summary: Paul hates it. Author’s Notes: Unbetaed. Written in 20 minutes. Utterly OC, and kinda sappy too. Oh well!