Body Classes

Aug 01, 2006 21:01

Quick Links:
.bodynavblock a, .bodynavblock a:visited


description: Container that holds the body title, entries, sidebar and (body) footer.
location: Below the header
note: You may use this class to shrink the body portion of your layout.  This will not affect the header.  Example


description: Container for the body title.
location: Above sidebar/entries.


description: Container for the bottom navigation (body footer)
location: Below the entries.

.bodynavblock a, .bodynavblock a:visited

description: Links inside in the bodynavblock
location: Below entries (inside bodynavblock)
No image


description: Title of the body.  This says "Recent Entries" on the main journal page.
location: Above entries/sidebar (inside the bodyheaderblock)


description: This is a title in the middle of the page.  It will separate your entries from your commments.
location: Reply page/Comment page

Page |
Header |
Body |
Entries |
Sidebar |
Comment Page |
Archive/Tags Page

( Comment here, please!)
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