Sidebar Classes and Id's

Aug 02, 2006 10:58

Quick Links
.sidebox #profile, .sidebox #latestmonth, .sidebox #search
.sidebox #tags_sidebox
.sidebox #systemlinks
.sidebox #latestmonth table


description: Contains all of the elements in the sidebar (title, sidebox, content)
location: Next to the entries (you choose which side - default on left)


description: Individual box in the sidebar
location: Sidebar


description: Title of sidebox
location: Sidebar


description: The content of the sidebox
location: Sidebar, below title

.sidebox #profile, .sidebox #latestmonth, .sidebox #search

description: These are id's for each individual box.  By using these separately, you can make each of these boxes look different.  Using them together (as above) will make them all look the same.

.sidebox #tags_sidebox

description: An id for the tags sidebox.  You can merge this with the above if you wish.
location: Sidebar

.sidebox #systemlinks

description: An id for the link list sidebox.  You can merge this with the above if you wish.
location: Sidebar

.sidebox #latestmonth table

description: Table that holds the calendar dates
location: Sidebar
No Image


description: Titles in the link list. You may define these titles in your link list by leaving the URL blank.
location:Sidebar/Link list


description: The bold words in the profile box.
location: Sidebar, profile box

Page |
Header |
Body |
Entries |
Sidebar |
Comment Page |
Archive/Tags Page

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