Character relationships

Mar 11, 2020 01:43

Under Construction!

  • ♦ - Just met, haven't made much of an impression yet.
  • ♦♦ - Not a bad person at all, definitely interested in getting to know you.
  • ♦♦♦ - You're pretty cool.
  • ♦♦♦♦ - Definitely of great interest.
  • ♦♦♦♦♦ - Very interesting indeed
  • ◊ - Okay, you're kinda weird.
  • ◊◊ - Slight dislike
  • ◊◊◊ - Could you just leave me alone?
  • ◊◊◊◊ - Okay, you're really annoying and hard to like.
  • ◊◊◊◊◊ - I hate you as much as I hate Alex, Karst and Agatio.
  • ♥ - You're a pretty decent person.
  • ♥♥ - You're not bad at all.
  • ♥♥♥ - Enjoy being around you.
  • ♥♥♥♥ - Hey, you're pretty awesome.
  • ♥♥♥♥♥ - Definitely like you a lot, a very close friend.


acuitas [Golden Sun: Dark Dawn]
"I must respectfully disagree, for you are deserving of such a title."
The first person Piers met when he arrived from Luceti and what a bad impression he made thanks to the Malnosso. It seems where Felix and Piers met got written out of history somehow, which is probably a good thing. It will be interesting to get to know him more, but something to be careful of too.

Kid from the distant future
Relationship: ♦♦♦♦/♥
"He seems like a decent kid, just a bit weird that he hasn't even been born yet in my time. Weird how he looks so much like Alex and Mia..."
Threads: * * *

frost_jewel [Golden Sun]

Relationship: ♦♦/♥♥♥


corrinesbell [Tales of Symphonia]
"You must be the pirate."
She was nice enough to come and try and get him out of jail, but it turned out that the door hadn't even been locked. Still, even with that, it was really nice of her to help out and she seems like a very nice woman..

Girl who teases him mercilessly
Relationship: ♦♦♦♦/♥♥
"She seems nice. Wish she'd stop calling me a pirate."
Threads: * *

lostinmyway [Tales of Legendia]
"Aren't you having fun?"
Piers is very much not sure what to make of Grune. She just randomly showed up in the tunnels and is a bit weird and all. Still, she doesn't seem like a bad person, maybe just confused or strange?

Very strange girl
Relationship: ♦♦/♥
"Who has fun in jail?"
Threads: *

realityanchor [Suikoden Tierkreis]
"The... Malnosso? If their idea of a joke is putting me in a trash can, then I've got a word or two for them."
What a way to meet a girl: to have her just randomly pop out of a trash can. Still, he could very much empathize with that sort of situation having been put in Luceti's jail when he arrived so it wasn't hard to help her and she is a genuinely nice girl. Her world sounds really interesting, but how could his world be a part of hers?

Girl who popped out of a trash can
Relationship: ♦♦♦♦/♥♥♥
"I don't know which was worse for a way to appear here: the jail or the trash?"
Threads: * * *

mikangirl [One Piece]
"And not a big fan of pirates, huh?"
Nami isn't a bad person at all, even if it turned out she was a pirate. Still, she's a very good cartographer and that map would be very useful for a long time. At the very least for that, he can overlook her profession as long as he doesn't end up in jail for it.

Talented cartographer
Relationship: ♦♦/♥♥♥
"If only she wasn't a pirate..."
Threads: * *

Will be added soon:

If I have somehow missed your character, comment here to be added!
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