stolen from Bdonornot

Jan 29, 2006 00:11

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If frogboy29 took over the world, who would be happy? Everyone.
2) Is jameskpolk athletic? He's more of a mental gymnast
3) What do you agree with eliciam about? catholicism
4) What is mountawesome allergic to? suckiness
5) Does tharp42 drink? From his posts, I'd have to say yes.
6) Is bdonornot a high school student? no.
7) What color should navelgazer dye their hair? black.
8) Would you set up zickzapzop and shelikespie? Zick's married.
9) Which of your friends should dibble_dabble go out with?
10) Does mountawesome have a crush on dibble_dabble? Absolutely
11) Do you have bohunk's screenname? umm, isn't it "Bohunk"?
12) What planet should catania be from? Mars
13) What animal should mallymalcontent be combined with? He's already a manimal.
14) How long have you known bohunk? through Zoomar for a couple of years
15) What is sea_denise's favorite game? Therapy with the mother in law
16) bohunk's eye color? green?
17) Is bdonornot dead sexy? he's alive sexy
18) If zickzapzop were hanging off a cliff, what would goldenfyre do? show her baby pictures
19) If mallymalcontent commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? the KISS army
20) How long would sea_denise dating robc last? not long
21) If jimmyjr and shelikespie were spliced together, what would be its name? Broshea
22) Would bohunk and bdonornot look good together? why not, they look good apart.
23) What is amcm's favorite color?
24) Are europaul and bdonornot going out? too long distance
25) One thing you can't stand about doyley? too damn funny
26) One quality you find attractive in jimmyjr? funny!
27) What would you do if you found out shelikespie has a crush on you? be suprised
28) Is zoomardav a college student? at the University of Mount Awesome
29) Do goldenfyre and dibble_dabble go to the same school? no
30) Is eliciam related to you? no
31) What is bohunk's favorite band/artist?
32) What rank would thirdreel have in a giant robot army? Chaplain, or the zen equivilent
33) Is jameskpolk in a relationship? I don't think so, are you interested?
34) What word best describes bdonornot? furry
35) Where would bohunk most like to visit? umm, the canned kickass factory?
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