The Losers Fiction Masterlist

Mar 13, 2011 23:30

The Losers

The one where Cougar and Jensen have a kid and descend into legend
- An Army Brat in a Cowboy Hat

Jensen is Bruce Wayne's Nephew Verse
- Should be sleeping/Made with Love/Alfred likes me better
- Fun with Dick and Jake
-Dinner and a Cockblock at the Sixth Annual Bruce Wayne Extrava-gala.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall - 7800 words of Tony Stark making Jensen uncomfortable at his Uncles' charity event. With bonus Roque in a white suit, Dick being a jackass, and Rhodie harassed into harassing Jensen.

A Mercenary is Not like a videogame - Losers/Deadpool.
It's All Fun And Games Till Someone Gets Hacked. - PG - Losers/Leverage
Learning how to Live - Losers/Torchwood. Spoilers for comic ending.
Consultant - Losers/Criminal Minds
Job Offers and Coffee Runs - Losers/Ocean's Eleven.
Losers' Poker - The Losers play Losers' Poker with Steve from Hawaii 5-0 while Danny watches and makes comments.
Generation Losers - The Losers run into a group of Recon Marines at a road block in a small town in Iraq.

Losers/Expendables Crossover verse
We Are The Ghosts That Hide In The Night

The Jensen and Thor Chronicles
Personal Space says what? - Thor NO PERSONAL SPACE Odinson meets the Losers and takes a liking to Jensen.
The Bifrost Is Beautiful This Time Of Year - Thor won't take no for an answer when he invites Jensen back home with him.

Losers/Leverage Xover Verse
- Why You Should Never Sneak Up On Elliot Spencer - Jensen knows he shouldn't sneak up on Elliot, but it's just so much fun to prove he can.
- Always Call First(You never know who's gonna be over) In Which Hardison learns why it's important to call before he comes over. And there's also naked Jensen. :D :D :D

Movie/Comic verse fic
-Life Affirmations - NC-17 - Cougar almost gets taken out by another sniper and proves he's still alive by tying Jensen up and mapping out his skin.
-After the Crash - R - After Bolivia. Jensen deals with his ghosts while trying not to bother anyone else.
-Domestic BBQ Fic - Just like the title. The boys enjoy a nice, quiet BBQ at Pooch's in their downtime.
-Just like Doublemint Gum, Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun - NC-17 - Cougar gets cloned. Jensen has to occupy him while his team looks for a fix.
- Hot Tub Heaven - R - Jensen and Cougar relaxing in a hot tub.
- The Ex - The Losers meet Jensen's ex wife. Crack fic.
-Jungle Fever - Jensen is annoying in the morning.
-Fly Away Home - Heading home after a mission.
-Never Have I Ever - The boys play a drinking game.
-Are They, Or Aren't They?- - Aisha is curious as to whether the boys are fooling around.
-Director's Cut - The stories behind the drinking game.
-Good Vibrations - Jensen has fun with a little black remote. Cougar? not so much.
- When In Rome - What happened in Rome.
- Jensen And The Laptop Of Doom - Jensen is trying to download a movie, his signal keeps cutting out.
-Jensen's Apartment - Pure schmoop fic.
-Meet the Jensen's - Jensen's parents are completely normal. The Losers finally get to meet them.
-In for a Pound - Jensen is a puppy.
-Los Dedos - NC-17 - Cougar has a serious kink for Jensen and his fingers.
-How To Eat Eggs: A Jake Jensen Guide - R - The boys have an argument on the proper way to eat eeggs.
-Post Cards - G - Jensen sends his niece postcards from around the world.
-Why Alcohol Is Not Your Friend - R - Cougar and Jensen get into a misunderstanding thanks to an overdose of booze.
-The Raven - R - Cougar picks up some cursed Aztec gold and turns into a raven.
-Reunions suck - Jensen is forced to go to his high school reunion.
-ACE - Jensen is asexual.
-Early Morning Phone Call - General Coleman calls the Losers to let them know about the DADT repeal.
- Turnabout Is Fair Play - Roque goes off with a hot guy on leave and Clay goes mad with jealously.
- Two Comment Fics - Comment fic for both 0tigerlily0 and setos_puppy.
- Frostbitten - Clay wanders around in subzero temperatures and gets hypothermia.
-Honeymoon - Jensen and Cougar get married. No one notices for a month.
-Seraphim - Cougar has wings. Jensen appreciates them NC-17
-Step It Up - The Losers are a teenage street dancing crew.
-Bring Your Jensen To School Day - Jensen's niece brings her Uncle to school in place of her father.
-This Life Is More Then Just A Read Through - Jensen hacks the Pentagon.
-Cloud Gazing For Beginners - Jensen and Cougar look at clouds.
-Jakesicle - Jensen gets hypothermia and Roque is the only one around to snuggle him back to warmth.
-Office Drones and Tech Support - Jensen and Roque are undercover in an office building.
-The Best Birthday Ever - Jensen spikes the punch at his niece's seventeenth birthday.
-The Amazing Spiderman - Roque takes Jensen to the comic book store.
-Musical Promotions - Jensen gets promoted and then demoted.
- Ice Cream Sundays - Jensen Cougar and Roque have their own system for dealing with stress.
- Trust - It takes trust to bare your throat to a knive. Roque has it.
- Psychopathy and You - A look into the mind of Jake Jensen, a high functioning sociopath who you'd never guess is anything but normal.
Sneaky Pooch is Sneaky - Pooch surprises Jolene and asks her a very important question.
In Sickness and in Health - Cougar gets sick, and whiny.
Always Remembered, Never Forgotten - Post comic. Jensen sits on a beach and remembers his fallen comrade.
Comment fic for pistolbunny.
It's All Just a Misunderstanding - Cougar bites Jensen, then he has to explain himself

Shifter Verse
A brief warning: This verse has situations and chapters that include dubious consent.
Basic Instincts
Stuck in a Rut
Alpha's Turn
Rebel Yell
Sneaky Fuck
Getting it

ShifterVerse B Version
A brief warning: This verse has situations and chapters that include dubious consent.
Basic Instincts
Fur Pile
Social Bonding Exercises
Heat of the Moment
Make The World Go Away.

Losers Pwn
Genesis - Prompt 001
- Horseshoes and Handgrenades - Prompt 004
Sir Killinator the Fierce - Prompt 005
Enter Sandman - Prompt 006

Hospital AU
Paging Doctor Alvarez
Harassment in the Coffee Lounge
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